Ama Dablam Expedition: 25 days

Good to Know
  • Duration 25 Days
  • Difficulty Level Advance
  • Max. Altitude 6812m / 22,349ft
  • Group Size 1+
  • Trip Starts Kathmandu
  • Trip Ends Kathmandu
  • Group Style Group and Private
  • Activities Trekking and Climbing
  • Best Season Sept to Nov and April to May


  • Ama Dablam is considered one of the most technically challenging peaks in the region, requiring advanced mountaineering skills.
  • Climbers face steep rock and ice sections, mixed climbing, and exposed ridges, making it an exciting and demanding ascent.
  • Ama Dablam is located in the Khumbu region of Nepal, which is home to the Sherpa people.
  • Climbers have the opportunity to immerse themselves in Sherpa culture, visit monasteries, and learn about the traditions and way of life in this unique part of the world.
  • Ama Dablam's base camp is set in a stunning location surrounded by towering peaks. It serves as a hub for climbers and offers a close-knit, communal atmosphere.
  • At the base camp of Ama Dablam, you can interact with fellow climbers and share experiences.
  • The final push to Ama Dablam's summit is the most exhilarating part of the expedition.
  • Ama Dablam expeditions require teamwork and cooperation among climbers.
  • Ropes are fixed, and climbers work together to ensure safety and success. Trust and collaboration are essential elements of the journey.
  • The technical challenges, altitude, and unpredictable weather make it a demanding climb. Successfully reaching the summit is a source of great pride for mountaineers.

Important note: Ama Dablam is a serious and technical climb that requires proper training and preparation. It's important to have the necessary skills and equipment, and a reputable guide,  Sherpa, and an expedition company like Trekking Planner Nepal help to ensure a safe and successful experience.

Introduction: Ama Dablam Climbing

Ama Dablam, which means "Mother's Necklace," is renowned for its distinctive and dramatic pyramid-shaped peak. The journey to its base camp and the climb itself offers breathtaking views of the Himalayan landscape, including Everest, Lhotse, and Nuptse. Ama Dablam is one of the most technical mountains in Nepal, famous for its view during the Everest Base Camp trek. A mountaineer’s dream is a mountain known for its beauty and technicality.

So, are you ready to head towards the ultimate mountaineering adventure? Let's head on anAma Dablam expedition, a thrilling experience that requires careful planning and preparation.

Timing is everything when it comes to mountaineering, and knowing the best time to climb Ama Dablam is crucial. We will outline the ideal seasons and weather conditions that will increase your chances of a successful ascent.

Whether you are an experienced mountaineer or an adventurous soul seeking a thrilling challenge, our comprehensive guide and sherpas will provide you with the knowledge and tools to make your Ama Dablam expedition successful. Get ready to conquer one of the world's most awe-inspiring peaks and create memories that will last a lifetime.

The best time to climb Ama Dablam

The most important factor to consider when planning an Ama Dablam expedition, according to trekking planner Nepal, is timing. Choosing the best time to climb can significantly impact your chances of a successful ascent. The ideal seasons for climbing Ama Dablam are spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November).

During these seasons, the weather conditions are relatively stable, with clear skies and mild temperatures. The monsoon rains of summer and the extreme cold of winter make climbing Ama Dablam challenging and risky. By selecting the right time, you maximize your chances of reaching the summit and enjoying breathtaking views of the Himalayan landscape.

Moreover, climbing during the peak seasons allows you to take advantage of the well-established campsites, support services, and experienced climbers. The trails are more accessible, and you'll have a greater chance of meeting fellow adventurers who share the same passion for mountaineering.

In addition to considering the overall season, it's essential to monitor the weather conditions and forecasts before embarking on your Ama Dablam expedition. Keep in mind that weather in the Himalayas can be unpredictable, and having up-to-date information will help you make informed decisions and stay safe during your climb.

Ama dablam

Where does the Ama Dablam expedition start and end?

The Ama Dablam expedition starts with a flight from Kathmandu to Lukla. From Lukla, we go towards Phakding. From Phakding, we go towards Namche. A rest day at Namche where we go for a hike towards the Everest View Hotel or the Everest Panaroma Hotel, which is very famous for the 360-degree views of the mountains like Kongde-Ri, Thamserku, Ama Dablam, Kusum kangaroo, Lhotse, Nuptse, Everest Sundar Peak, Khumbila, and many more other mountains.

From Namche, we go directly to Debouche and spend the night there. On the seventh day, we reach Ama Dablam base camp, and on the eighth day, we have some rest at Ama Dablam. On the ninth day we will be learning about the mountains and preparing for the summit. Our guides and sherpas will train you before the expedition to make sure that all the equipment is there and the climbers know how and when to use all the equipment.

Day 10 to day 17, we will be preparing and pushing for the summit. During this time, we will be going to Camp I and Camp II and pushing for the summit. Day 18 to day 20 is for contingency and in case of bad weather and can be used before the summit or after the summit for spending some more time in the mountains. After that, we come back down to Namche, and head towards Lukla. We spend the final night there and fly back to Kathmandu after that have a rest day at Kathmandu.

Mountain Grading of Ama Dablam climbing

Ama Dablam is known as the mountaineer's mountain or a mountaineer's dream; it's a dream adventure among alpinists. However, there are numerous challenges that climbers will have to tackle during the Ama Dablam expedition. These include extreme climate, unpredictable weather, altitude sickness, technical sections, climbing routes, etc.

The Ama Dablam expedition is graded at TD-5 (Très difficile) difficulty level by the SAC mountaineering scale, which denotes very hard and includes continuous belaying at challenging places with technical difficulties. (Alpine/Fitness Grading Link) It has a UIAA level 5 with tough climbing in steady, steep terrain. This denotes that Ama Dablam's climbing difficulty is tough, which requires physical strength. Climbers experience and learn climbing techniques. Intermediate safety devices must increase in number as they ascend to the summit.

This expedition involves steep vertical mixed rock, ice, and snow climbing. You must be in excellent physical and mental condition to tackle this challenging climb. Do not underestimate the difficulty of this mountain. Your previous climbing experience will help you gauge your fitness level and understand how to tackle the climb safely. With proper preparation and guidance from our team, you can achieve your dream of climbing Ama Dablam. The sheer vertical ascent of this mountain will likely be one of the most challenging climbs you have ever attempted.

Climbers need proper climbing gear and equipment for successful expeditions. There are steep slopes with icefalls, glaciers, and rough terrain. Gears and equipment like fixed ropes, ascenders, climbers, belay devices, jumars, etc.

Note: A fixed rope will assist your climb from Camp 1 to the summit.

Climbing routes and difficult sections

All the major commercial expeditions for Ama Dablam use the Southwest Ridge section route.

The route from the base camp to Camp 1 (5800 meters) involves climbing moraines and a rocky boulder uphill. The fixed line typically starts after Camp 1, where the climb becomes more technical.

The climb to Camp 2, located on top of the Yellow Tower, is the first crux, requiring a 60–70-foot vertical granite ascent at 20,000 feet. The mushroom ridge from Camp 2 to Camp 3 is another challenge, and Camp 3 is only set up when the lead guide says it's safe. From Camp 3, climbers head up to the pyramid to the summit, which involves an exposed climb on 55–65-degree slopes. The descent is tricky, especially on tired legs, and requires careful focus.

Climbing to Camp 2, "Yellow Tower"

The route from Camp 1 to Camp 2 is one of the most technically challenging parts of the expedition. The climb to the top of Yellow Tower involves a 90-degree vertical ascent. This route section is graded anywhere from 4.11 to 5.7–5.10 in rock climbing terms. It's essential to consider the impact of altitude, backpack carrying, cold weather, and ice conditions on the mountain while attempting this climb.

Mushroom ridge 6250m (Between camp 2 and camp 3)

This section of the route is not for the faint-hearted, as you will need to carefully climb up and scramble on the steep, rocky face of the mountain before reaching an exposed knife-edge ridge. Walk carefully across the ridge with 600-meter drops on both sides before continuing your climb towards Camp 3.

Acclimatization in the Ama Dablam expedition

During your Ama Dablam expedition, acclimatization is typically achieved through a series of rest days and shorter hikes to higher camps. This allows your body to adapt to the thin air and prepares you for the final ascent. It's essential to listen to your body and follow the recommended acclimatization schedule provided by your expedition team or guide.

In addition to rest and gradual ascent, proper hydration and nutrition play a vital role in acclimatization. Staying hydrated helps your body function optimally at high altitudes, while a balanced diet rich in carbohydrates and essential nutrients provides the energy needed for your climb. Avoiding excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption is also recommended, as they can dehydrate your body and hinder your acclimatization process.

Altitude sickness is a real concern when climbing at high altitudes, and proper acclimatization is crucial to minimize the risk. Summiting Ama Dablam stands at an elevation of 6,812 meters (22,349 feet), and the rapid ascent without acclimatization can lead to severe health issues and even life-threatening conditions.

Acclimatization involves gradually ascending to higher altitudes while allowing your body to adjust to the reduced oxygen levels. This process helps your body produce more red blood cells and increases your overall endurance at higher elevations.

Altitude sickness, also known as acute mountain sickness (AMS), can affect anyone, regardless of their fitness level or previous climbing experience. Recognizing the symptoms of altitude sickness is crucial for your safety. Common symptoms include headaches, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, and shortness of breath. If you experience any of these symptoms, it's essential to descend to a lower altitude immediately and seek medical attention if necessary.

How do I know if climbing Ama Dablam is suitable or not?

Ama Dablam is one of the most technical mountains in Nepal, which will require the climbers to have some prior mountaineering experience in order to summit Ama Dablam in a safe way and get back to the base camp.

Having prior climbing experience is required for summiting the Ama Dablam because of its technicality. At least having experience climbing a 5,800 meter mountain is required; it is not mandatory, but it is recommended for having a safe summit and coming back down.

But if climbers don’t have prior experience, that’s when things start going wrong. Booking an expedition package and going straight away is not recommended. As Ama Dablam is situated at a high altitude of 6,812 meters/22,349 foot, having prior high-altitude experience is required, which will help the climbers with the altitude.

Climbers not having prior mountaineering experience may face problems regarding the use of equipment in harsh weather conditions while operating in the high altitude and cold environment.

So over all, trekking planner Nepal recommends having prior experience, like doing the three passes with the island peak, Mera peak, and Cholatse peak, climbing at least 5,800 meters plus peaks.

Altitude Sickness: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

Altitude sickness is caused by the reduced oxygen levels at higher altitudes. As you ascend, the air becomes thinner, and your body needs time to adjust to the changes. Failure to acclimatize properly can lead to altitude sickness, which can range from mild to severe.

The symptoms of altitude sickness can vary from person to person but commonly include headaches, nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue, and dizziness. In severe cases, symptoms can progress to confusion, difficulty walking, and even fluid buildup in the lungs or brain, which requires immediate medical attention.

Preventing altitude sickness is crucial for a successful and safe Ama Dablam expedition. Here are some tips to help you prevent or manage altitude sickness symptoms:

  • Gradual ascent: ascend slowly and allow your body time to adjust to the reduced oxygen levels. Avoid rapid ascents that can increase your risk of altitude sickness.
  • Hydration: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout your climb. Dehydration can worsen altitude sickness symptoms. Aim to drink at least 3–4 liters of water per day.
  • Medication: Consult with your doctor about potential medications to prevent altitude sickness, such as acetazolamide (Diamox). These medications help your body adjust to high altitudes, but they're not a substitute for proper acclimatization.
  • Proper nutrition: Maintain a balanced diet and consume enough calories to fuel your climb. Carbohydrates are particularly important for high-altitude expeditions as they provide the energy your body needs.
  • Rest and listen to your body: Take regular rest days during your climb to allow your body to acclimatize. If you experience symptoms of altitude sickness, descend to a lower altitude and seek medical attention if necessary.

By following these guidelines and prioritizing your health and safety, you can minimize the risk of altitude sickness and increase your chances of a successful Ama Dablam expedition.

Preparing physically and mentally for the expedition

Embarking on an Ama Dablam expedition requires both physical and mental preparation. The climb demands endurance, strength, and mental resilience to overcome the challenges you may face along the way. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the physical and mental demands of the expedition:

  • Cardiovascular fitness: Engage in regular cardiovascular exercises such as running, cycling, or swimming to improve your endurance. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, four to five times a week.
  • Strength training: Focus on building strength in your legs, core, and upper body. Incorporate exercises like squats, lunges, planks, and pull-ups into your training routine. Consider working with a personal trainer to create a customized strength training program.
  • Trekking and hiking: Practice trekking and hiking on hilly or mountainous terrain to simulate the conditions you'll encounter during your Ama Dablam expedition. Gradually increase the duration and difficulty of your hikes to build your stamina.
  • Mental preparation: Mountaineering requires mental strength and resilience. Visualize yourself successfully summiting Ama Dablam and overcoming any challenges you may face along the way. Develop a positive mindset and cultivate mental toughness through meditation or visualization exercises.
  • High-altitude training: If possible, consider incorporating high-altitude training into your preparation. This can be achieved by training at higher elevations or using altitude simulation equipment, such as altitude tents or masks. However, keep in mind that high-altitude training should be approached with caution and under professional guidance.
  • Endurance training: Gradually increase the duration and intensity of your training sessions to build your endurance. Incorporate long hikes or treks on hilly or mountainous terrain to simulate the conditions you'll encounter during your Ama Dablam climb.
  • Flexibility and mobility exercises: Include stretching and mobility exercises in your training routine to improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injuries. Yoga, Pilates, or regular stretching can help improve your overall flexibility.

Remember, physical fitness and mental preparedness are equally important for a successful Ama Dablam expedition. Take the time to train and prepare yourself adequately to ensure a safe and enjoyable climb.

Ama Dablam base camp

Essential Gear and Equipment for the Ama Dablam climb

Having the right gear and equipment is essential for a safe and comfortable Ama Dablam climb. The extreme conditions and high altitudes demand high-quality gear that can withstand the challenges of the mountain. Here's a list of essential gear and equipment you'll need for your Ama Dablam expedition:

  • Mountaineering boots: Invest in a pair of sturdy, insulated mountaineering boots with excellent traction. Make sure they fit properly and provide enough warmth and support for your feet.
  • Crampons: Crampons are metal spikes that attach to your boots, providing traction on ice and snow. Choose crampons that are compatible with your boots and practice using them before your climb.
  • Harness and climbing ropes: A harness and climbing ropes are essential for safety during technical sections of the climb. Ensure your harness is comfortable and properly adjusted, and your climbing ropes are in good condition.
  • Ice axe: An ice axe is crucial for stability and self-arresting on steep slopes. Choose an ice axe that suits your height and climbing style, and practice using it before your expedition.
  • Layers of clothing: Dressing in layers is essential for regulating your body temperature in changing weather conditions. Invest in high-quality base layers, insulating layers, and a waterproof shell to protect yourself from the elements.
  • Sleeping bag and tent: Choose a sleeping bag suitable for high-altitude conditions and a lightweight, durable tent that can withstand strong winds and heavy snowfall.
  • Headlamp: A reliable headlamp is essential for early morning starts, night climbs, and navigating in low-light conditions. Ensure you have spare batteries and always carry a backup light source.
  • Climbing helmet: Protect your head from falling rocks and ice by wearing a climbing helmet. Invest in a helmet that fits well and meets safety standards.
  • Personal safety equipment: Carry essential personal safety equipment, such as a first aid kit, navigation tools (map and compass), sunscreen, sunglasses, and a high-altitude mountaineering watch.

It's crucial to invest in high-quality gear and equipment to ensure your safety and comfort during your Ama Dablam climb. Consult with experienced climbers, guides, or mountaineering stores to make informed decisions and choose gear that suits your needs and preferences.

Why Trekking Planner Nepal for Ama Dablam?

Trekking Planner Nepal's guided expedition can greatly enhance your Ama Dablam experience and increase your chances of a successful climb. Here are some benefits of hiring a guide or joining a guided expedition:

  • Safety and expertise: Our professional guides and sherpas have extensive experience and knowledge of the mountain, making them valuable resources for safety and decision-making. They are trained in first aid and emergency response, ensuring your safety throughout the expedition.​​
  • ​​​​​Local knowledge: Trekking planner Nepal Guides and sherpas are familiar with the local terrain, weather patterns, and cultural aspects of the region. They can provide valuable insights and enrich your overall experience by sharing their knowledge and stories.
  • Logistics and support: Our guided expeditions typically handle logistics such as permits, accommodation, transportation, and food arrangements. This allows you to focus on your climb without the additional stress of planning and organizing these aspects.
  • Group dynamics and camaraderie: Joining Nepal Trekking Planner for an expedition provides an opportunity to meet like-minded individuals who share your passion for mountaineering. The group dynamics and camaraderie can enhance your overall experience and create lasting friendships.

When choosing a guide or guided expedition, it's essential to do thorough research and select a reputable and experienced provider. Read reviews, seek recommendations from fellow climbers, and ensure that the guide or company is licensed and adheres to safety standards. Read our reviews at the Trip Advisor.

Safety measures and emergency preparedness

Mountaineering in the Himalayas comes with inherent risks, and prioritizing safety measures and emergency preparedness is crucial for a successful Ama Dablam expedition. Here are some safety guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Pre-expedition medical check-up: Undergo a thorough medical check-up before your expedition to ensure you're in good health and physically fit for high-altitude climbing. Discuss any pre-existing medical conditions with your doctor and follow their recommendations.
  • Travel insurance: Purchase comprehensive travel insurance that covers mountaineering activities, including medical evacuation and rescue services. It's essential to verify the coverage details and ensure they meet the requirements of your Ama Dablam expedition.
  • Team communication and safety protocols: Establish clear communication channels and safety protocols with your expedition team or guide. Familiarize yourself with the emergency procedures and protocols in case of accidents, injuries, or adverse weather conditions.
  • Weather monitoring: Stay updated on the weather conditions and forecasts throughout your climb. Unfavorable weather conditions, such as storms or strong winds, may require you to alter your plans or postpone your ascent.
  • Emergency equipment: Carry essential emergency equipment, such as a first aid kit, satellite phone, emergency shelter, and navigation tools. Ensure you know how to use these tools effectively and practice basic first-aid techniques.
  • Acute mountain sickness (AMS) awareness: Educate yourself and your team about the symptoms of altitude sickness and the appropriate response. Monitor each other for signs of AMS and be prepared to descend to a lower altitude if necessary.
  • Environmental responsibility: Respect the local environment and adhere to the principles of Leave No Trace.

Final say from trekking planner Nepal for Ama Dablam climbing 

Climbing Ama Dablam is a dream for many mountaineers, and choosing the right time to embark on this adventure is crucial. The Himalayas have a diverse climate, and the weather conditions can greatly impact the success of your expedition. So, let's dive into the best time to climb Ama Dablam and increase your chances of reaching the summit.

Ama Dablam is typically climbed during the spring (April to May) and autumn (September to November) seasons. These periods offer the most favorable weather conditions, with stable temperatures and clear skies. During spring, you can expect milder temperatures and less wind, making it an ideal time for climbing. Autumn brings colder temperatures, but the skies are generally clear, providing stunning views of the surrounding peaks.

It's important to note that during the monsoon season (June to August), the region experiences heavy rainfall and an increased risk of avalanches, making it unsuitable for climbing Ama Dablam. Winter (December to February) brings extremely cold temperatures and heavy snowfall, making it extremely challenging and dangerous to attempt the climb.

To make the most of your expedition, it's advisable to plan your trip during the peak climbing seasons of spring and autumn. The weather is more predictable, ensuring better climbing conditions and increased safety.

Ama Dablam Expedition outline itinerary 

Season wise, the best time is October. 

Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu and transfer to the hotel
Day 02: Welcome brief, gear check, and official formalities in Kathmandu
Day 03 Fly to Lukla and trek to Phakding.
Day 04 Trek to Namche Bazaar
Day 05: Rest in Namche Bazaar. We may go for an acclimatization hike.
Day 06 Trek to Debouche (3700m/12139ft) via Tengboche Monastery
Day 07 Trek to Ama Dablam Basecamp
Day 08: Rest Day at Basecamp: Acclimatization Walk
Day 09 Training Day: Fixed Lines, Traverse, and Summarizing the Techniques
Day 10: Climb to Camp 1
Day 11: Get to Camp 2 and come back to Camp 1 again.
Day 12: Trek from Camp 1 back to base camp
Day 13-14: Rest Day
Day 15: Climb to Camp 1, rest a few hours, and get to Camp 2.
Day 16: Climb to Ama Dablam Summit and back to Camp 1.
Day 17: Trek back to Basecamp    
Day 18-20: Contingency Day
Day 21 Trek to Namche Bazaar
Day 22 Trek to Lukla
Day 23 Fly to Kathmandu and transfer to the hotel.
Day 24: Rest Day in Kathmandu
Day 25: Return to the Home Country

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                                                    Not satisfied with this regular itinerary? Make your own.

                                                    Trip Map
                                                    Ama Dablam Expedition: 25 days Map
                                                    What's Included
                                                    • All airport pick up drop off by private vehicle (for both international and domestic flights).
                                                    • Four-night twin/double shearing accommodation with breakfast at a 3-star hotel in Kathmandu.
                                                    •  Guided sightseeing tours in Kathmandu with privet vehicles (entrance fees are extra).
                                                    •  Kathmandu to Lukla to Kathmandu flight with airport departure tax.
                                                    •  National Park entrance fee, Trekking Permit, Amadablam expedition peak climbing permit, and all government taxes.
                                                    •  Group climbing gears like rope, ice bar, etc., to climb Amadablam peak.
                                                    •  A highly experienced, helpful, knowledgeable, friendly, English-speaking, well-trained, Government license-holding guide. Price includes his salary, food, drinks, accommodation, transport, and insurance.
                                                    • Amadablam Summiteers climbing Sherpa 1 climber: 1 climbing Sherpa to maximize the chance to scale it
                                                    • Two guests to 01 porter with their insurance, salary, food, accommodation, and equipment.
                                                    • Your cost includes insurance, wages, food, and lodging for both your guide and porter. We take excellent care of our guides and porters; they are like family to us.
                                                    • Twin/double shearing lodge accommodation in the mountain during the trekking and tented camp during the climbing.
                                                    • Climbing incentive and equipment for climbing guides.
                                                    • High-altitude tents while climbing the Amadablam peak
                                                    • Emergency Oxygen with regulator and mask while on expeditions.
                                                    • EPI gas and burner for the high climb
                                                    • Gamow bag / Portable Altitude Chamber (PAC)
                                                    • Satellite Phone and Walkie-Talkie in case of emergency
                                                    • Basic climbing gear like main ropes and warm gear for guide-staff and porters.
                                                    • Three meals a day; breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner and tea/coffee during the trekking.
                                                    • Safe drinking water.
                                                    • All the necessary equipment for climbing.
                                                    • Welcome dinner in an authentic restaurant.
                                                    • First aid kid box.
                                                    • Trekking Planner’s sleeping bag, down jackets, T-shirt, cap, duffel bags, city and trekking route maps – if necessary.
                                                    • Arrangement of emergency evacuation service (should have insurance for emergency evacuation and will be paid by your travel insurance company).
                                                    • Oximeter to check your pulse oxygen saturation and heart rate twice daily during the trek (very useful to check Altitude Mountain Sickness(AMS) symptoms). This helps ensure your trek is in the safest hands possible.
                                                    • One-hour complimentary spa/massage in Kathmandu after the trek.
                                                    • All applicable government and local taxes per the itinerary.
                                                    What's Excluded
                                                    • Your Nepal Visa fees 
                                                    • All the International airfare from and to Kathmandu
                                                    • Lunch and Dinner in Kathmandu.
                                                    • Personal travel and health Insurance, Insurance for helicopter evacuation (Helicopter rescue insurance is highly recommended. If you have any problem and you have to be evacuated, without your insurance you have to pay for the helicopter in cash).
                                                    • In case of extra more nights accommodation, lunch, and dinner in the city due to early arrival and late departure as well as early back/return from mountain/trekking (due to any reason) than the given time period of the itinerary.
                                                    • Your Personal expenses such as ( laundry, phone calls, bar and beverage bill, boiled or bottled water {will cost between $1 and $3 a bottle (it gets more expensive towards base camp).}, extra porter.. etc).
                                                    • Wi-Fi, charging batteries, and hot showers. Wi-Fi is available in some tea houses for $3 to $5 an hour. Hot Showers are also available in a few for around $3 and charging costs about $1.50 an hour.
                                                    • Entrance fees for the day tours in Kathmandu.
                                                    • The Tips to the trekking crews and drive.
                                                    • Extra expenses due to flight delays, strikes, weather conditions, or any event out of our control.
                                                    Essential Info

                                                    Equipment and Gear List

                                                    trekking iconGeneral

                                                    • Four-season (-20 degree) sleeping bag (We provide rental sleeping bags available for an additional USD 35)
                                                    • Puffy down jacket (We provide rental jackets for an additional USD 35)
                                                    • Daypack (25-30 liters recommended) with rain cover

                                                    HeadUpper Body

                                                    • Sun hat or cap (We'll provide you with a trekking cap.)
                                                    • warm woolen hat
                                                    • Scarf/Neck Buff (highly recommended to get saved from wind and cold)
                                                    • Headlamp or mobile torch light for nighttime
                                                    • Polarized sunglasses


                                                    • Technical fabric base layer thermals are light for warmer months, heavy for colder months
                                                    • Technical fabric t-shirts and sleeve sweaters or high-necks
                                                    • Waterproof rain jacket
                                                    • windproof jacket for the walk as it gets windy
                                                    • Fleece jacket or down jacket

                                                    PantLower Body

                                                    • thermals inner
                                                    • Hiking pants at least 3
                                                    • Comfortable pants for teahouses
                                                    • Waterproof, windproof shell
                                                    • Hiking shorts


                                                    • Woolen gloves for the tea house
                                                    • Hard-shell windproof outer gloves for the walk


                                                    • Marino Wool or comfortable, warm socks
                                                    • Hiking socks
                                                    • Liner socks
                                                    • Trekking/hiking boots (waterproof recommended)
                                                    • Crampons (For passes)
                                                    • Casual shoes or sandals that are comfortable for the time in the tea house
                                                    • Gaiters (lightweight for rain and snow)

                                                    UndergarmentsUndergarments and inner wears

                                                    • Technical fabric/quick drying (can be washed during the trek)
                                                    • Sports bras (women)
                                                    • sleeping clothes as per the comfortability

                                                    MedicineFirst Aid Kits and Medications

                                                    • Sunscreen SPF- 50+
                                                    • Lip balm or Vaseline
                                                    • ointment cream
                                                    • Cough Syrup and strepsils (recommended for Khumbu Cough)
                                                    • Creams and medicines (for any allergies or diseases)

                                                    (Note: Our guides carry medications, oxygen cans, and first aid kits during the trip. However, personal kits and medications are recommended.)

                                                    Other essentialsOther Essentials

                                                    • Passport
                                                    • Extra copies of passport-sized photos
                                                    • Reusable water bottle
                                                    • Toilet paper, small soap, and shampoo
                                                    • Water purification tablets or UV water purifier (if you plan to treat water)
                                                    • water bladder for the day bag
                                                    • small towel for personal use
                                                    • Pillowcase in case of allergies to new pillows
                                                    • High-protein snacks (such as mountain bars or nuts)
                                                    • Waterproof/dry bags for carrying essential documents, stuff, frequently used items, and money
                                                    • Power bank or extra batteries
                                                    • Cameras and mobile phone
                                                    • Cards/book
                                                    • Pee bottle/ pee funnel for women
                                                    • Trekking poles
                                                    • Whistle in case your voice is not loud enough to stop or start
                                                    • Thermos for hot water during the nighttime
                                                    • We give you a free duffel bag, trekking cap, maps, and t-shirt during your pre-trip meeting in Kathmandu. The duffel bag will be used to pack your trekking supplies.
                                                    • For every two participants, we assign one porter. The porter will carry the duffel bag, which should weigh around 10 kg/22 lbs., throughout the walk.
                                                    • Daypack bag for daily used stuff like cash, documents, papers, a water bottle or bladder, a camera, toiletries, sunscreen, a notebook, clothing, etc. (with a waterproof cover).
                                                    • You can store your luggage (on-trekking items) at the hotel in Kathmandu, and we can assist and help.
                                                    • Total luggage for the Kathmandu-Lukla flight is (15 kg/33 lbs.), including duffel (10 Kg/22 lbs.) and backpack (5 kg/11 lbs.)
                                                    • A down jacket with a hood(cap) to be warm in altitudes above 3,000m.
                                                    • We can provide a down jacket for USD 35. In case of loss or damage, you need to pay back the cost of USD 200 per item.
                                                    • We can provide a sleeping bag for USD 35. In case of loss or damage, USD 200 per item must be paid.

                                                    For Climbing.

                                                    • Plastic Boot a pair.
                                                    • Crampons are a pair.
                                                    • Ice Axe one.
                                                    • Harness one.
                                                    • Carabineer or Karabiner two each.
                                                    • Snow Gaiters a pair.
                                                    • Snow/Sun Glass one each.
                                                    • Warm Gloves a pair.
                                                    • Windproof Jacket and Trousers a set each.
                                                    • Main Ropes 200m ( 50m per person) as per the peak chosen.
                                                    • Snow Bar 2 / 4 pieces depending upon group size.
                                                    • Ski Pole (optional) one each.
                                                    • Ascender.
                                                    • Helmet.

                                                    Note: Supplies and gear can be rented or purchased in Kathmandu. Once you are in Nepal, you can buy supplies and gear for hiking if you have spare time. Trekking Planner Nepal representatives will assist you in purchasing the equipment. Thamel a tourist hub, offers a wide range of trekking equipment at affordable prices. Don't wear short clothes inside the monasteries and religious places.

                                                    Client Reviews
                                                    • rating star

                                                      The guy's are professional

                                                      The guy's are professional. Its exactly what you need in Nepal. They made everything so easy for us.
                                                      A big thanks 🙏
                                                      For all the team and the family of mr dipak

                                                      Κωστας ΡηγαςFrance,Jan 19, 2024
                                                    • rating star

                                                      EBC one of the best Trek of our life

                                                      I met Gyaljan during my recent Expedition Ama Dablam  in Nepal, he is a gem of person, he shared lots of information and tips for high altitude climbing, and was ready to offer helping hand to everyone and tried his best to encourage the fellow trekkers.Also remembered meeting him briefly on my EBC Trek before.I wish to plan some expedition soon in Nepal.Best of luck Gyaljan,keep scaling new heights.

                                                      Amit JoshiIndia,Dec 06, 2023
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