Lower Dolpo Trekking: 19 Days

"Lower Dolpo is one of the most remote valleys in Nepal and falls on the windward side, perfect for trekking enthusiasts."
Good to Know
  • Duration 19 Days
  • Difficulty Level Moderate
  • Max. Altitude 5360m
  • Group Size 2+
  • Trip Starts Kathmandu
  • Trip Ends Kathmandu
  • Group Style Private
  • Activities Trekking, Historical And Cultural Excursion
  • Best Season March to November


  • Adventure on ancient Trans-Himalayan Salt Trade & Caravan Trail to Tibet via Dolpo.
  • Extension of huge South-West Tibetan landscapes within the world's highest plateau land.
  • Explore Lower Dolpo villages enriched with ancient Bon tradition and Buddhism culture.
  • Impressive old monasteries and villages with stunning views of dramatic valleys and mountains.
  • Crossing high passes of Numa-la Baga-la with exceptional views of high snow-capped peaks.
  • Walk on high windswept-dry and arid country within beautiful landscapes.
  • Grand views of snowcapped peaks of Dhaulagiri- Kagmara with Kanjibroba peaks.
  • In the country of ancient Bon sect of pre-Buddhism and Blue Sheep with elusive snow-leopard.

Advantages of booking Lower Dolpo trek with Trekking Planner Nepal

  • Private vehicles pick up and drop off passengers at all airports.
  • First-aid kit box.
  • Trekking Planner’s down jackets, t-shirt, and cap, if necessary.
  • Arrangement of emergency evacuation service (you should have insurance for emergency evacuation, which will be paid for by your travel insurance company).
  • We use an oximeter to check your pulse, oxygen saturation, and heart rate, and we provide oxygen.
  • Sim cards are provided by our company for travelers, so there won’t be any networking issues.

Introduction: Lower Dolpo Trek 2024-2025

Lower Dolpo Trekking, where you will be in the land of the ancient Bonpa sect of pre-Buddhism and in the country where elusive snow leopard and blue sheep habitats exist, is a scenic walk in the harmony of the local Dolpo people's immense culture and traditions.

Lower Dolpo is in Nepal's far north-west and is least explored and hardly visited by Westerners or foreign travelers due to its remoteness and isolation from the main big cities of Nepal.
The adventure involves scenic sweeping flights to and from Kathmandu to reach Nepal's Far South city of Nepalgunj and the highland of Dolpo country, where our marvelous walks lead you within Nepal's largest national park, Shey-Phoksundo National Park, with an area of 3,555 sq. km.

At Lower Dolpo trekkers, will be walking into a forest of blue pine, spruce, cypress, poplar, deodar, fir, and birch trees as the walk leads higher above the Jugdula River valley, consists mostly of Quercus species.

Higher above, you will cross a few high passes, Numa-la-pass and Baga-la-pass, above 5,100 m, leading you on the Old Trans-Himalaya Salt and Caravan Route of Nepal and Tibet, with landscapes of near-desert type with vegetation of mainly dwarf juniper and caragana shrubs.

What to Expect at Lower Dolpo Trek?

On walks, one might spot rare and elusive snow leopards and blue sheep. Other common wild animals found around are Goral, Himalayan Thar, Serow, leopard, wolf, and jackal, where birdlife can often be seen, such as Impeyan Pheasant (Danphe national bird of Nepal), blood pheasant, cheer pheasants, red and yellow-billed cough, raven, jungle crow, snow partridge, and many other species.

Lower Dolpo Trekking also leads you into the beautiful turquoise-colored Lake Phoksundo within its magnificent surroundings after walking through Jhupal and Dunai and exploring the villages of Ringmo, Tokyu Gaon, and Tarakot.

On this awesome adventure of two weeks, you will be impressed by witnessing Dolpo's impressive ancient Bon culture of pre-Buddhism, which is almost extinct in some parts of the Himalayas. On this wonderful trek, you will have this opportunity.

After a glorious moment with grand views of high snow-capped mountains and enjoying local fascinating traditional life, our walks are complete. We head back to Jhupal for a scenic flight to Nepalgunj and then back to Kathmandu with memorable adventures and experiences of the trek.

How does the Lower Dolpo Trek Begin and End?

Lower Dolpo Trek begins from the classical route of Juphal and ends in Juphal, a small town located in the Dolpa district of western Nepal. Juphal is accessible by a short flight from Nepalgunj, which takes around 30 minutes. Flight options are available from Kathmandu or Nepalgunj.

From Juphal, the trek follows a route that takes you through the beautiful landscapes of Lower Dolpo, a remote region known for its rough terrain, ancient Tibetan Buddhist culture, and unspoiled natural beauty. The trek passes through several picturesque villages such as Dunai, Tarakot, Dho Tarap, Nawar Pani, and Tokyu Gaon, allowing you to experience the local culture and interact with the friendly inhabitants.

After exploring the scenic landscapes and cultural treasures of Lower Dolpo, the trek concludes back in Juphal, where you can catch a return flight to Nepalgunj or Kathmandu or connect to other destinations in Nepal.

How are the Accommodations facilities at Lower Dolpo Trail?

Accommodations along the Lower Dolpo Trekking trail are basic and very simple; it may even feel like, "Oh, this is how houses used to be 15-20 years ago," which is very basic due to the remote and inaccessible nature of the region. The availability of accommodations can be limited, and the facilities are more than basic when compared to popular trekking routes like the Everest Region or the Annapurna Regions. Here are some common types of accommodations you can expect:

  • Teahouses and Lodges: Teahouses and simple lodges are the most common forms of accommodation available on the trekking trail. These are small guesthouses run by local families, offering simple rooms with basic amenities. The rooms typically have twin beds, shared bathrooms, and common dining areas where you can enjoy lunch, breakfast, and dinner.
  • HomeStays: In some villages, if packed or due to a lack of availability, we may have the opportunity to stay in a local home. Homestays provide a chance to experience the traditional lifestyle and culture of the Dolpo Region more intimately. The facilities are basic, with shared facilities and simple bedding arrangements, and the facilities in the homestay are the facilities that the locals commonly have access to as well.
  • Camping: As the infrastructure is more limited in certain areas, camping is often necessary. Sometimes, setting up tents in designated camping areas is necessary. During camping trips, Nepal’s guide will usually arrange the necessary camping equipment and logistics, which are often carried by porters in cases of necessity. Camping allows you to experience the wilderness of the real Lower Dolpo and provides flexibility in terms of early reaching, late reaching, or reaching further than the camp's location and itinerary.

Trekking planners in Nepal say it's important to note that the availability and quality of accommodations can vary from village to village, and it's advisable to be prepared for basic facilities and limited amenities. It's a good idea to consult with Trekking Planner Nepal's senior office representatives, who can provide more specific information and help arrange your accommodations along the Lower Dolpo Trekking Trail in time.

Local Culture and Religion around the Trekking Trail of Lower Dolpo

During the trek, trekkers can witness a trail that it is rich in beauty, deeply influenced by Tibetan Buddhism, and is known for its ancient Tibetan and Buddhism-related cultural heritages, and the people here have preserved their traditions, culture, and way of life for centuries.

Here are some key features of the local culture and religion in the Lower Dolpo Region:

  • Tibetan Buddhism: The majority of the local people in Lower Dolpo follow Tibetan Buddhism. On the trail and in the lower Dolpo Region, travelers will encounter numerous monasteries, gumbas (Buddhist temples), and chortens (Buddhist shrines) along the trail. These religious sites and shrines we encounter serve as important centers for spiritual practice and are often decorated with colorful prayer flags, which represent the five elements of the earth, and intricate Buddhist artwork and culture.
  • Bon Religion: The Bon religion has a significant presence in Dolpo. Bon is an ancient spiritual tradition in the indigenous tribes culture that came from the Tibetan Plateau and is characterized by its shamanistic practices and rituals. Bon monasteries can be found and seen in certain villages, and there might be an opportunity to witness Bon rituals and ceremonies during your trek.
  • Festivals: Lower Dolpo is well known for its exciting festivals, which provide visitors with a look at the regional cultural customs. Festivals like the Shey Gompa Festival and the Phoksundo Festival are enthusiastically observed and feature vibrant masked dances, music, and religious rites. These festivals offer a special chance to take in and experience the regional cultural festivities.
  • Traditional Way of Life: The Dolpo people live a traditional, independent lifestyle. They engage in trade along historic trade routes, yak herding, and subsistence agriculture. Yak wool manufacturing and distinctive handicrafts, including traditional clothes, rugs, and Buddhist artifacts, are also among the region's other well-known exports.
  • Hospitality: The local people and tribes of the Lower Dolpo Region are known for their warm hospitality and friendliness towards travelers and visitors. Interacting with the locals always allows you to learn about their customs, traditions,history, and daily lives. The locals sometimes invite visitors into their homes, where you can experience the traditional hospitality and taste the authentic local cuisine offered by the locals.

The Nepal Trekking Planner advises the visitors that it is important to respect the local culture and religious practices during their trek, which have been followed since time immemorial. Dress modestly, ask for permission before taking photographs of the local people or religious sites, and follow the guidance of your guide regarding appropriate behavior and practices. Engaging with the local culture can greatly enhance your trekking experience in the Lower Dolpo Region of Nepal.

Food and Water Facilities during Lower Dolpo Trek?

On the Lower Dolpo Trekking trail, food and water options can be more limited compared to other popular trekking regions in Nepal. Here is what you can expect in terms of food and water facilities in the Lower Dolpo Region:


  • Teahouse Meals: On the trekking trail, teahouses or lodges offer various types of meals to trekkers. The menus at these teahouses are generally simple but provide nutrition. You can expect meals such as dalbhat (rice, lentils, and vegetables), noodles, soups, momos (dumplings), and fried rice. In some teahouses, you may also find limited options for Western dishes like pasta, pizza, burgers, spaghetti noodles, meat steaks, or pancakes.
  • Snacks: On the trail, at the tea houses or shops, we can purchase snacks like energy bars, biscuits, chocolate, and packaged snacks at teahouses or small shops along the trekking trail. These can be convenient for quick energy boosts during the trek, and it is advised to carry some food supplements before the trek.
  • Packed Lunches: Sometimes guides arrange packed lunches for you to carry during the trek when the lunch places are not available or are far away. These typically consist of sandwiches, fruits, boiled eggs, snacks, and some drinks.
  • Self-Cooking: If you are camping or trekking with a support team with tents for camping, it's possible to arrange for meals to be prepared by your support staff. This requires carrying cooking equipment, food supplies, and a cook.

Trekking planner Nepal wants the travelers to note that food options may be more limited and the availability of fresh foods that are prepared can be limited in the remote areas of the Lower Dolpo Region. The teahouses have a basic kitchen setup, so the variety of dishes may be limited.


  • Bottled Water: Bottled water or fresh flowing water is available at teahouses or on the way along the trail. However, it is important to be careful about the environmental impact of single-use plastic bottles. Trekking Planner Nepal always recommend bringing a reusable water bottle and using water purification tablets or methods instead for purification.
  • Water Purification: Trekkers and travelers commonly use water purification methods like water purification tablets or water bottles that have filters to treat water from local sources such as streams, ponds, taps, or springs. Trekking Planner Nepal's Guide will provide the best advice for its clients on the best methods and provide information on the availability of water sources along the trekking trail.

Trekking planner Nepal advises that it's essential to stay hydrated during the trek, so ensure you have a good, reliable method for purifying water and carry enough water (at least 2-3 liters) or purification supplies between water sources.

The availability of food and water can vary in remote areas; it is advisable to consult with trekking planner Nepal representatives for specific information and make necessary arrangements in advance before the trek.

Can trekkers get altitude sickness during Lower Dolpo Trekking?

Altitude sickness, also known as acute mountain sickness (AMS), is a concern during the Lower Dolpo trek due to the high altitude and steep ascents involved. Here are some important points we want our travelers to consider:

  • Altitude Gain: The trekking trail takes you to elevations that can range from 2,500 meters (8,202 feet) to over 5,000 meters (16,404 feet). It's important to acclimatize properly and have some extra days for your body, which allows your body to gradually adjust to the increasing altitude and helps prevent altitude sickness.
  • Symptoms of Altitude Sickness: Altitude sickness can appear in various forms, including headache, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, feeling tired and angry, and sometimes hallucinations. In severe cases, it can lead to High-Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE) or High-Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE), which requires immediate medical attention as soon as possible.
  • Acclimatization: Proper acclimatization is crucial to minimizing the risk of altitude sickness. Trekking planner Nepal and our whole team always recommend ascending slowly and taking regular rest days to allow your body to adapt to the higher altitude in a few days. Stay hydrated, avoid alcohol, meat, and strenuous activities; listen to your body's signals; and stay honest about your body's condition.
  • Medication: Some trekkers have the option to take medications that can prevent or alleviate symptoms of altitude sickness. However, it's important to consult with a doctor or some other professional before taking any medication and to understand the potential side effects.
  • Emergency Evacuation: in cases of serious altitude sickness or symptoms, it is necessary to descend to lower elevations immediately or even get rescued sometimes. Trekking with a knowledgeable guide or being part of a reputable organization like Trekking Planner Nepal helps to ensure that there is someone experienced who can assess the situation and arrange for emergency evacuation in case of necessity.
  • Precautions: It's advisable to be physically fit before attempting the trek and to undertake some form of pre-trek training. Additionally, dress in layers to adapt to changing temperatures and weather conditions, protect yourself from the sun, and maintain a balanced diet to support your energy levels.

Trekking Planner Nepal wants you to Remember, everyone has a different body type, reacts differently to high altitudes, and shows various symptoms of altitude, so it's important to pay attention to your body, stay honest with your body conditions, and seek medical help if you experience serious symptoms. Prior preparation, proper acclimatization, and a cautious approach will help reduce the risks of altitude sickness.

Is Lower Dolpo a Rural and Really Remote Trekking Trail?

The answer is yes; the Lower Dolpo Trekking trail is considered a rural trekking trail. Lower Dolpo is a remote region located in the Dolpa district of western Nepal. It is known for its rugged and pristine landscapes, ancient Tibetan Buddhist culture, and isolated villages, which are still a long way from the modern world. The region is thinly populated, and the villages one might encounter along the trail maintain a traditional and rural way of life that has been in practice for the past 3–4 decades.

The Lower Dolpo Trek takes you through remote and less-traveled areas, away from the more popular and developed trekking routes in Nepal. The infrastructure services and availability of groceries or other products in the region are limited, and the trekking trail will pass through beautiful, picturesque villages where travelers and trekkers can experience the authentic rural lifestyle and interact with the original locals and other communities.

As a result of its remote and untouched nature, facilities and services along the trail are very basic and simple, and the amenities may be more limited compared to other Nepal Trekking Routes, which are developed trekking routes. Accommodations are basic and often in simple teahouses or homestays, and the availability of food and water can be limited. However, the unspoiled natural beauty and cultural immersion make the Lower Dolpo Region a unique and rewarding trekking experience for those seeking a more off-the-beaten-path adventure in a rural setting.

What is the Best Time and Season For Lower Dolpo Trek?

The best time for Lower Dolpo Trekking is during the Spring (March to May) and Autumn (September to November) seasons. These seasons offer favorable weather conditions and clearer views of the stunning landscapes in the region. Here are some details the Trekking planner Nepal has prepared about each season for this region:

  • Spring (March to May): Spring is an excellent time for Lower Dolpo Trekking. The weather begins to warm up, and the rhododendron forests come alive with vibrant blooms. The days are generally sunny with mild temperatures, making it comfortable for trekking. However, occasional rain showers can be expected, especially in May. It is advisable to pack layers of clothing to accommodate changing temperatures.
  • Autumn (September to November): Autumn is considered the peak trekking season in Nepal, including Lower Dolpo. The weather is stable, with clear skies, mild temperatures, and excellent visibility. The landscapes are colorful, with clear mountain views. The autumn months are also the harvest season, providing a unique opportunity to witness the local farming activities and cultural festivities.

Note: It's worth noting that Lower Dolpo is a remote and High-Altitude region, and the weather can be unpredictable at times. It's essential to be prepared for variations in temperature and carry appropriate trekking gear.

  • Winter (December to February): Lower Dolpo experiences harsh winter conditions with heavy snowfall and extremely cold temperatures. Trekking during this period is challenging and not recommended for inexperienced trekkers.
  • Monsoon (June to August): The region receives heavy rainfall, making the trails muddy and slippery. The monsoon season is not ideal for trekking in Lower Dolpo due to the potential for landslides and difficult trail conditions.

Before embarking on the Lower Dolpo Trek, it's always a good idea to check the weather forecast and consult with a Trekking Planner Nepal at the best trekking agency, who can provide up-to-date information and help plan your trekking itinerary according to the requirements.

Why to select Lower Dolpo? What is the speciality?

There are several compelling reasons to go on the Lower Dolpo Trek with Trekking Planner Nepal, which is one of the remote Nepal trekking trails untouched by the outer environment compared to other trekking trails.

  • Remote and Unspoiled Beauty: Lower Dolpo is a remote region that is untouched by development and is completely natural. The landscapes are rugged, with snow-capped peaks, deep valleys, pristine lakes, and ancient forests. Trekking through this area helps you experience the raw and unspoiled beauty of the Himalayas and even helps you understand that basic things are more than enough to live a good life.
  • Unique Cultural Experience: Lower Dolpo is known for its centuries-old ancient Tibetan Buddhist culture. The region is home to monasteries, gompas, and chortens that reflect its rich religious artifacts and cultural heritage. If you're interested in and friendly with the locals, they might provide an opportunity to witness their traditional lifestyle, cultural rituals, and unique daily life practices.
  • Off-the-Beaten-Path Adventure: Lower Dolpo is a less-traveled and less-crowded trekking route compared to popular trails like Everest Base Camp or the Annapurna Circuit. This means trekkers and travelers can experience a sense of separateness from the modern world and quietness away from the crowds and city life. The remote and rough nature of the trek offers a more adventurous and out-of-this-world experience for trekking fans.
  • Stunning Landscapes and Wildlife: The Lower Dolpo Region is home to stunning scenery and a wide variety of plants and animals. Phoksundo Lake's crystal-clear waters, as well as its deep gorges and stunning mountain vistas, may all be seen here. Along with the rare snow leopard, Himalayan blue sheep, musk deer, and other bird species, the area is also well-known for its fauna.
  • Challenging and Rewarding Hiking: Lower Dolpo hiking is a difficult attempt that is best suited for experienced hikers looking for an adventure in a remote and difficult landscape. There is a greater sense of satisfaction after completing the trek because it requires crossing high passes and making severe ascents and descents.
  • Unique Filming Location: Lower Dolpo gained international recognition through the Oscar-nominated Nepali film "Himalaya" (Caravan). The region's breathtaking landscapes and cultural richness served as the backdrop for this iconic film.

Trekking Planner Nepal wants to inform you that it's important to note that the Lower Dolpo Trek requires adequate preparation, including physical fitness, proper equipment, and the support of experienced guides that only a few trekking companies or some of the best trekking agencies like Nepal Trekking Planner can provide due to its remote and challenging nature.

How to prepare for Lower Dolpo Trek?

Lower Dolpo Trekking is a challenging and rewarding adventure in the Dolpo Region of Nepal. It requires proper preparation to ensure your safety and enjoyment. Here are some steps to help you prepare:

  • Lower Dolpo involves long hours of walking in rugged terrain at high altitudes. Start with a regular exercise routine to improve your cardiovascular endurance, strength, and flexibility.
  • Focus on activities like hiking, walking, running, cycling, or stair climbing to simulate the trekking conditions.
  • Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts to build stamina.
  • Lower Dolpo is a restricted area, and you will need special permits to enter. Obtain the necessary permits from the Department of Immigration in Kathmandu or through a registered trekking agency.
  • Carry your permits, passport, and other identification documents during the trek.
  • Research and plan your trekking itinerary. Lower Dolpo has several routes and options, so choose one that suits your preferences and available time.
  • Consider the duration of the trek, acclimatization days, and points of interest along the way.
  • Carry lightweight and durable trekking gear. Some essential items include a good-quality backpack, trekking boots, warm clothing, a waterproof jacket and pants, gloves, a hat, sunglasses, a sleeping bag, and a headlamp.
  • Pack sufficient food and water supplies, as remote areas may have limited options for resupply.
  • Lower Dolpo Trek involves reaching high altitudes, so it's crucial to acclimatize properly to prevent altitude sickness.
  • Plan for gradual ascents, including rest days, to allow your body to adjust to the altitude.
  • Stay hydrated and avoid excessive physical exertion.
  • Consider hiring an experienced guide or porter to accompany you during the trek. They can provide valuable assistance, share local knowledge, and help with navigation.
  • A porter can carry your heavy backpack, allowing you to focus on enjoying the trek.
  • If you're new to trekking or hiking in challenging terrain, consider taking some training or practice hikes before embarking on the trek.
  • This will help you get accustomed to walking on uneven surfaces and build confidence in your abilities.
  • Lower Dolpo is a culturally rich region with unique traditions and customs. Respect the local culture and traditions during your trek.
  • Learn a few basic Nepali phrases to interact with the locals and show appreciation for their hospitality.

Note: Trekking in Lower Dolpo can be physically demanding and requires proper preparation. Consult with Trekking Planner Nepal agencies senior representatives or seek advice from experienced trekkers for more detailed and up-to-date information on the trek.

How are the charging facilities at Lower Dolpo Trekking Trail?

The Lower Dolpo trekking trail is in a remote and less-developed region of Nepal. As such, the electricity facilities along the trekking route are limited. Here are some important points to keep in mind regarding electricity:

  • Tea Houses and Lodges: Along the trekking route, there are tea houses and lodges available for accommodation. Some of these establishments may have electricity facilities, usually in the form of solar power or small hydro power plants. However, the availability and reliability of electricity can vary from place to place.
  • Charging Facilities: Tea houses and lodges that have electricity may offer charging facilities for electronic devices such as mobile phones, cameras, and batteries. Keep in mind that these charging facilities may be limited, and there could be a nominal fee for using them.
  • Electricity Hours: In remote areas like Lower Dolpo, electricity may only be available for a few hours in the evening. These hours can vary depending on the tea house or lodge you are staying at. It's a good idea to inquire about the electricity schedule upon arrival.
  • Bring Power Banks: Due to limited electricity availability, it is advisable to carry a power bank to charge your devices during the trek. It will allow you to extend the battery life of your essential electronics and ensure you have a backup power source.
  • Energy-Saving Practices: To conserve electricity and help manage the limited resources, some tea houses and lodges may have restrictions on the use of high-energy-consuming devices like hairdryers or electric heaters. Respect these guidelines and be mindful of your energy consumption.
  • Be Prepared: It's important to be mentally prepared for the possibility of limited or no electricity during certain parts of the trek. Consider bringing alternative light sources, such as a headlamp or flashlight, and plan accordingly for any electronic devices you rely on.

It's essential to understand that Lower Dolpo is a remote trekking destination, and the facilities available are relatively basic compared to more developed areas. Embrace the opportunity to disconnect from modern amenities and enjoy the untouched natural beauty and unique cultural experience that the region offers.

Is Travel Insurance Required for Lower Dolpo Trekking?

Yes, Travel Insurance is mandatory and is recommended for Lower Dolpo Trekking, as it provides financial protection and peace of mind during your journey. Trekking in remote areas like Lower Dolpo involves certain risks and challenges, and having travel insurance helps mitigate those risks. Here are some key reasons why travel insurance is important for Lower Dolpo Trekking:

  • Medical Emergencies: Travel insurance can cover medical expenses if you encounter any health issues or injuries during the trek. This includes the cost of hospitalization, medications, doctor consultations, and emergency medical evacuations if necessary. Medical facilities in remote areas are limited, and evacuation to a more advanced medical facility may be required in serious cases.

Note: Make sure to see the elevation or altitude the insurance policy covers up to.

  • Travel insurance can reimburse your non-refundable expenses in case your trip gets cancelled or interrupted due to unforeseen circumstances such as illness, injury, natural disasters, or other emergencies. It provides financial protection if you need to reschedule your trip or return home early.
  • See the policy of the insurance for what it covers in cases of emergencies.
  • Trekking in remote areas involves multiple flights and transfers. Travel insurance can cover the loss, theft, or damage to your baggage and personal belongings during transit. It also provides compensation for essential items in the event of baggage delays.
  • Lower Dolpo is a remote region with limited access to medical facilities. In case of a severe medical emergency or a life-threatening situation, travel insurance can cover the cost of emergency evacuation by helicopter or other means to reach a suitable medical facility.
  • Travel insurance can provide coverage for personal liability, protecting you in case you accidentally cause property damage or injure someone else during the trek.
  • When purchasing travel insurance, ensure that it specifically covers trekking activities in remote areas and includes high-altitude trekking. Read the policy terms and conditions carefully to understand the coverage limits, exclusions, and claim procedures. It's also recommended to choose a reputable insurance provider with experience covering adventure activities in remote locations.
  • Remember to carry a copy of your travel insurance policy, hand over a copy of the insurance policy to Nepal Trekking Planner Travel Agency office representatives, and hand over an emergency contact detail that we might be able to contact with the trekkers or travelers' families during the trek. This will ensure that you have easy access to the necessary information and your loved ones in case of an emergency.

Things to know before beginning lower dolpo trek?

As mentioned above, Dolpo, or Dolpa Falls, is Nepal's largest national park, Shey-Phoksundo National Park, with an area of 3,555 sq. km. A beautiful and charming country to visit and experience once in your lifetime, as the area is seldom ventured by the main flow of trekkers and adventurers due to its remoteness and isolation from other parts of Nepal.

The area remains a raw country to visit and explore the timeless cultures of Dolpo habitats. The Dolpo area was exposed to the outside world through the famous classic novel ‘Snow Leopard," written by Peter Matthiessen, an American author who visited this country from Dhorpatan, which links with Pokhara, in the mid-1970s and published the novel around mid-1980. The novel is fascinating to read.

Dolpo was famous for the movie Himalaya, originally called ‘Caravan," but the name coincided with Hollywood films of the 1980s starring veteran actor Anthony Quinn, so the name of Caravan was changed to Himalaya, a joint venture of French and Nepalese nominated for an Oscar in 1999. It is worth seeing the movie and reading the novel, Snow Leopard.

The highlight of the Dolpo is visiting its isolated villages, enriched with the age-old ancient culture of both Buddhism and the Bon sect of pre-Buddhism, similar to Native American Red Indians and Inwiks (Eskimo) or Laplanders.

A photogenic country to explore and visit with awesome scenery of mountains, deep valleys, and impressive villages, as well as crossing high scenic passes to reach from one side of the Inner Dolpo to the Lower Dolpo Region.

Related trekking areas for interested people would be an adventure to Upper Dolpo around Shey Gompa, the Crystal Monastery, or a walk towards Mustang areas from Dolpo close to the massive Dhaulagiri Mountain Range.

One can continue walking from Jhupal to Rara Lake and fly out from a small airstrip called Talcha Airport in Mugu or via Jumla.

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    19 Days Lower Dolpo Trekking is provided with standard Itinerary days where some day's walks can be shorter or longer as per your physical fitness, some designated overnight stops can change, due to available rooms and other facilities and etc…….

    We will follow the itinerary if its needs to be changed in case of weather, landslides, and difficulties on walks requiring more days where our leader and lead head guides decide to hold full authority for Trekking Planner.

      On arrival at Kathmandu international airport, received by our office staff and guide and then a short drive to your hotels in the hub of Kathmandu city.

      After checking in your rooms getting refreshed join with other members of the group for briefing on Lower Dolpo Trekking, provides you with useful information regarding treks and other details for your enjoyable stay in Nepal with us, includes welcome dinner in an authentic Nepalese restaurant with Folk Culture program.

        Morning, depart from the hotel for exciting tour at places of great interest within Kathmandu city, steeped with historical and religious monuments temples, monasteries as listed in World Heritage Sites, after an interesting tour afternoon at leisure for Lower Dolpo trek preparation.

          As per time for flight to Nepalgunj located Nepal Far South West transfer to Kathmandu domestic airport for scenic sweeping flights of about 50 minutes to land at low warm areas at Nepalgunj city airport.

          During airborne fantastic views a panorama of snow-capped mountains from the take-off in Kathmandu to landing at Nepalgunj airport, on reaching at Nepalgunj airport terminal transfer to a nice hotel within its city area. Nepalgunj, situated close to Indian border of UP (Utter Pradesh), where culture and local people with strong Indian influence in culture and way of life.

            Morning early breakfast for short connecting flight to land at Jhupal in Dolpo area, during this scenic flight views of Dhaulagiri and other western Himalaya, on reaching at Jhupal after 35-40 minutes on air where our staff and porters receives you.

            From Jhupal, after getting organized and then few hours of exciting jeep drive reaches you at Dunai the main headquarter and administrative town of whole Dolpa area.

            In Dunai for overnight stop in the comfort of nice local lodge, afternoon walk around Dunai town and observe its interesting local culture and traditional life.

              With pleasant overnight in Dunai, morning walk leads past the market area and then crossing over a bridge of Thulo Bheri River, where climb takes you over a ridge to Phoksumdo River valley with views of Kagmara peak.

              From here walk leads to descend past farm villages with fields growing walnut trees and getting close to a stream of Dhera, a small cattle herders settlements and then short climb to Rahagaon village of Thakuri a Hindu local tribe.

              As walk leads to downhill path into forested area to reach our overnight camp at Chhepka a small farm village.

                From Chhepka which is close to Ankhe village, as morning walk leads to a short climb and then descend into forested area to reach a river bank, from here climb after leaving the forest.

                On reaching top of a ridge with downhill to forest leading to cross a small bridge at Ryajik village, trek further to Samdua for overnight stop near the entrance of Phoksumdo National Park.

                  Morning walk leads to our first destination at Phoksumdo Lake after walking over Pungmo Kholas valley and crossing streams, where walk follows Pungmo Khola on downhill into pine and birch trees to reach upper side of Phoksumdo Khola.

                  After a short refreshing stop continue walk to Ringmo village, an interesting Tibetan origin village adorned with mud plastered Chorten and Mani (prayer) walls.


                    A perfect spot for leisure and free day, here marvel the beauty around its natural surroundings with its scenic landscapes overlooking peaks of Kagmara, and explore interesting Ringmo village and witness Dolpo people culture of age-old heritage and custom.

                      After an enjoyable and exciting rest stop at Ringmo village and around Phoksundo Lake, morning walk leads to reach other side of Dolpo area. As our route leads east to cross few passes, walking on a pleasant trail with steep uphill to reach over Baga-la at 5,070 meters.

                      A steep uphill for few hours to reach on top where you will be rewarded with super panorama of Phoksumdo lake and Kagmara peaks, after a scenic stop walk leads to a long descend to overnight camp at Phedi (bottom of the hill).

                        From here morning walk leads to another pass at Numa-la at above 5,190 meters, the highest point of the adventure, walk leads to a climb on nice grassy slopes for about three hours and then reaching on top Numa-la, facing grand views of snow capped mountains from Dhaulagiri mountain range to Kagmara peak and looking down at beautiful valleys with dramatic landscapes.

                        After an enjoyable stop descend to the base of the Pass, with gradual path to reach our overnight camp around Yak summer pasture.

                          After some days in complete isolation away from villages, today’s walk leads to an interesting village of Tokyu-Gaon, one of the largest village of Inner Dolpo, morning starts with a steep climb for two hours to the top of Jeng-la with grand views of snow capped mountains with Mt. Dhaulagiri North Face, on enjoying the fantastic views, then descend towards Tarap valley, which is one of the longest beautiful green valley extending about 20 k.m along Tarap Chu River, with more than 10 villages with well tended farm fields, monasteries and Chorten.

                          Overnight stop at Tokyu Gaon, an interesting village with an old monastery, afternoon visit the monastery or just relax and observe the local with farming and daily activities.

                            After Tokyu Gaon, morning starts on downhill to Tarap Chu on wider green valley, one of the scenic broader valley of the area, here you will notice many Sheppard’s settlements of Yaks and Sheep, as walk continues to our overnight camp at Dho Tarap, another interesting village of mix tribes of Tibetans origin and Magar hill tribe people.

                              From here a long descend to Tarap valley, one of the largest and longest valley of Dolpo area which is about 20 k.m. which stretches following Tarap Chu River most of the way to joins with Thuli Bheri River near Tarakot village, walk leads past Langa with beautiful cascading waterfalls heading due south following the trail after Sisaul and small place of Kesila around Yak herders temporary camps to reach our overnight camp at Ghymagar.

                                Today walks on Tarap nice valley, as the trail enter into a narrow gorge with some vegetation of bushes of juniper and wild rose, walk leads past Toltol with a large overhanging cave, around this area might see some wild life like Naur or Blue Sheep and other animals.

                                As the walk progress reaching a confluence of River Tarap Chu and Lang Khola, overnight camp by the river after a long day walk of about 6 hours.

                                  Morning walk starts past smaller villages and then entering into small forest area, following a river all the way to Tarakot, this is one of the important and large village of Dolpo with interesting history houses an old historical fortress (Dzong or Kot) to guard the village from outsiders in early days.

                                  Tarakot village with famous old Sandul Gomba located at the junction of Barbung Khola and Tarap Chu River where our overnight camp is set.

                                    After a fabulous time at Tarakot, our last day walk leads to Dunai for short while and then taking a short drive to Jhupal for the flight back to Kathmandu.

                                    Morning starts walking into spread out villages and farm huts, walk on wider path with some short uphill and downhill to reach at Thuli Bheri River valley and then at Dunai, on reaching Dunai for lunch. From here jeeps drive back to Jhupal to catch our next morning flight to Nepalgunj unto Kathmandu.

                                      Morning at Jhupal, transfer to its small airstrip for scenic short flight to land at Nepalgunj airport, here with times to get refreshed before catching another flight back to Kathmandu. On reaching Kathmandu transfer to your respective hotels with free afternoon for individual activities.

                                        We have planned a free day for you to enjoy extra leisure day in Kathmandu after scenic trek on Lower Dolpo, on this day free for individual activities and shopping souvenirs, or join in for another exciting tour around Kathmandu-Patan and Bhaktapur at places of great interest.

                                          Your last day in Nepal, country of Himalayan wonders and as per your international flight time depart for homeward bound or to next respective connecting destinations.

                                          Our staff and guide transfer you to Kathmandu airport after a mesmerizing memory and great time on Lower Dolpo Trekking.

                                          Not satisfied with this regular itinerary? Make your own.

                                          What's Included
                                          •  All airport pick up drop off by private vehicle (for both international and domestic flights).
                                          •  04 night twin/double shearing deluxe accommodation on BB in Kathmandu.
                                          •  01 night twin/double shearing deluxe accommodation on full board in Nepaljung.
                                          •  Guided sightseeing tours in Kathmandu with private vehicle (entrance fees extra).
                                          •  Kathmandu to Nepaljung to Juphal and Juphal to Nepaljung to Kathmandu by flight.
                                          •  All necessary trek permit and Trekkers’ Information Management System( TIMS card).
                                          •  A highly experience, helpful, knowledgeable, friendly, English speaking, well-trained, Government license holding guide. Price includes his salary, food, drinks, accommodation, transport and insurance.
                                          •  02 guest to 01 porter with their insurance, salary, food, accommodation and equipment.
                                          •  Your cost includes insurance, wages, food and lodging for both your guide and porter. We take excellent care of our guides and porters, they are like family to us.
                                          •  twin shearing accommodation/tented camp during the trek.
                                          •  Three meals a day; breakfast, lunch and dinner and tea/coffee during the trekking.
                                          •  Snacks of biscuits/peanuts and seasonal fresh fruits dessert during the trek.
                                          •  Welcome dinner in an authentic restaurant.
                                          •  First aid kit.
                                          •  Trekking Planner’s sleeping bag, down jackets, T-shirt, cap, duffle bags, city and trekking route maps – if necessary.
                                          •  Arrangement of emergency evacuation service (should have insurance for emergency evacuation and will be paid by your travel insurance company).
                                          •  Oxymeter to check your pulse and oxygen saturation and heart rate twice daily during the trek (very useful to check Altitude Mountain Sickness(AMS) symptoms). This helps ensure your trek is in the safest hands possible.
                                          •  One-hour complimentary spa/massage in Kathmandu after the trek.
                                          •  All applicable government and local taxes per the itinerary.
                                          What's Excluded
                                          • Nepal Visa fee (Bring accurate fee in USD and two Passport size Photo).
                                          • International airfare to and from Kathmandu (no need to pay departure tax for international flight).
                                          • Diner and lunch in Kathmandu.
                                          • Personal  travel and health Insurance, Insurance for helicopter evacuation.
                                          • Extra night accommodation and lunch and dinner in city because of early arrival, late departure and early return from the mountain (due to any reason) then the scheduled itinerary.
                                          • Personal expenses (phone calls, baggage charge, laundry, bar bills, battery recharge, extra porters, bottle or boiled water, shower etc).
                                          • Tips to the trekking crews and drive.
                                          • Extra expenses due to flight delays, strikes, weather condition or any event out of our control.
                                          Departure Dates
                                          • This trip departs every day of the year.
                                          • This trip is fully customizable. We can customize the trip as per your needs; please contact us.
                                          • This trip is available on both a fixed departure and a private group basis.
                                          • This trip can be booked privately if you’re traveling solo, privately, or with family.
                                          • Have a big group? We can help as per your needs.
                                          • We can help you make it fit your budget.
                                          • We accept instant booking and online payment.
                                          Essential Info

                                          Equipment and Gear List

                                          trekking iconGeneral

                                          • Four-season (-20 degree) sleeping bag (We provide rental sleeping bags available for an additional USD 35)
                                          • Puffy down jacket (We provide rental jackets for an additional USD 35)
                                          • Daypack (25-30 liters recommended) with rain cover

                                          HeadUpper Body

                                          • Sun hat or cap (We'll provide you with a trekking cap.)
                                          • warm woolen hat
                                          • Scarf/Neck Buff (highly recommended to get saved from wind and cold)
                                          • Headlamp or mobile torch light for nighttime
                                          • Polarized sunglasses


                                          • Technical fabric base layer thermals are light for warmer months, heavy for colder months
                                          • Technical fabric t-shirts and sleeve sweaters or high-necks
                                          • Waterproof rain jacket
                                          • windproof jacket for the walk as it gets windy
                                          • Fleece jacket or down jacket

                                          PantLower Body

                                          • thermals inner
                                          • Hiking pants at least 3
                                          • Comfortable pants for teahouses
                                          • Waterproof, windproof shell
                                          • Hiking shorts


                                          • Woolen gloves for the tea house
                                          • Hard-shell windproof outer gloves for the walk


                                          • Marino Wool or comfortable, warm socks
                                          • Hiking socks
                                          • Liner socks
                                          • Trekking/hiking boots (waterproof recommended)
                                          • Crampons (For passes)
                                          • Casual shoes or sandals that are comfortable for the time in the tea house
                                          • Gaiters (lightweight for rain and snow)

                                          UndergarmentsUndergarments and inner wears

                                          • Technical fabric/quick drying (can be washed during the trek)
                                          • Sports bras (women)
                                          • sleeping clothes as per the comfortability

                                          MedicineFirst Aid Kits and Medications

                                          • Sunscreen SPF- 50+
                                          • Lip balm or Vaseline
                                          • ointment cream
                                          • Cough Syrup and strepsils (recommended for Khumbu Cough)
                                          • Creams and medicines (for any allergies or diseases)

                                          (Note: Our guides carry medications, oxygen cans, and first aid kits during the trip. However, personal kits and medications are recommended.)

                                          Other essentialsOther Essentials

                                          • Passport
                                          • Extra copies of passport-sized photos
                                          • Reusable water bottle
                                          • Toilet paper, small soap, and shampoo
                                          • Water purification tablets or UV water purifier (if you plan to treat water)
                                          • water bladder for the day bag
                                          • small towel for personal use
                                          • Pillowcase in case of allergies to new pillows
                                          • High-protein snacks (such as mountain bars or nuts)
                                          • Waterproof/dry bags for carrying essential documents, stuff, frequently used items, and money
                                          • Power bank or extra batteries
                                          • Cameras and mobile phone
                                          • Cards/book
                                          • Pee bottle/ pee funnel for women
                                          • Trekking poles
                                          • Whistle in case your voice is not loud enough to stop or start
                                          • Thermos for hot water during the nighttime
                                          • We give you a free duffel bag, trekking cap, maps, and t-shirt during your pre-trip meeting in Kathmandu. The duffel bag will be used to pack your trekking supplies.
                                          • For every two participants, we assign one porter. The porter will carry the duffel bag, which should weigh around 10 kg/22 lbs., throughout the walk.
                                          • Daypack bag for daily used stuff like cash, documents, papers, a water bottle or bladder, a camera, toiletries, sunscreen, a notebook, clothing, etc. (with a waterproof cover).
                                          • You can store your luggage (on-trekking items) at the hotel in Kathmandu, and we can assist and help.
                                          • Total luggage for the Kathmandu-Lukla flight is (15 kg/33 lbs.), including duffel (10 Kg/22 lbs.) and backpack (5 kg/11 lbs.)
                                          • A down jacket with a hood(cap) to be warm in altitudes above 3,000m.
                                          • We can provide a down jacket for USD 35. In case of loss or damage, you need to pay back the cost of USD 200 per item.
                                          • We can provide a sleeping bag for USD 35. In case of loss or damage, USD 200 per item must be paid.

                                          Note: Supplies and gear can be rented or purchased in Kathmandu. Once you are in Nepal, you can buy supplies and gear for hiking if you have spare time. Trekking Planner Nepal representatives will assist you in purchasing the equipment. Thamel a tourist hub, offers a wide range of trekking equipment at affordable prices. Don't wear short clothes inside the monasteries and religious places.

                                          • You come to the right place, where our program Lower Dolpo will fulfill your dreams and lifetime destination as Trekking Planner organizes and run this trip to Lower Dolpo which falls in the remote corners of the Far Western Himalayas of Nepal.

                                            On this trek where camping is involved as the area is quite raw to receive outside visitors with only a few lodges and inn to stay, where’s camping will be the right choice with full camping facilities of different kitchen units of cook-kitchen staff including guides and porters or pack animals to carry camping gears and baggage.

                                          • While almost all Himalayan mountainous region leads you through many ups and down with some gradual winding trail, from wide to narrow path on country rocky and muddy route sometimes where this trekking minimum altitude of 2,500 m to a maximum of 5,190m and 5,070 m high while crossing Numa-la and Baga-la passes.

                                          • Most of the main villages do have electricity supply either from the local hydro projects or from Solar power, where one can have the opportunity to charge their electronic gadgets at an extra cost of reasonable price for using the supply from the landlords or house owners.

                                            We suggest that one can carry a portable solar panel with batteries to charge their appliances in case of an emergency where villages can be far to reach, that is why camping is done mostly due to its remoteness. 

                                          • Our expert guides will accompany you to provide needful information and queries about Dolpo areas, from the history of mountaineering, flora-fauna, local culture, and religion and as well our guides and camping / trekking staff are well trained in medical and First Aid if the problem arises.

                                          • Our booking is open all year round after selecting the trip of your interest and choice, please book at least minimum of 4 weeks prior to group trip departure for private and tailor-made trips minimum of 2 weeks.

                                          • In this situation where our guides are well equipped with knowledge for emergency and medical purposes, depending upon the seriousness of the victims if it is critical where the nearest medical attention is needed.

                                            We call for immediate evacuation right option would be Helicopter services to reach victims for safety to the nearest medical station and hospital.

                                            For light AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness), resting and drinking enough fluid leaving an extra guide to take care of sick clients till he/she recovers on route treks or help them to descend to safer areas and take an advance flight back to Nepalgunj or Kathmandu.

                                          • Always follow the rules of the company and guides/leader, most of the main sickness is stomach disorder due to change in foods and culture shocks. If people have traveled to Asia countries and know the food well will be not a problem.        

                                            Other factors might lead to altitude sickness known as AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness) which can happen to any person if they are not careful by walking fast in higher elevations and might catch the symptoms of AMS.

                                            We have designed the itinerary days where people can acclimatize well with rest days in a couple of high places before reaching much higher to our goal and highlights.

                                            Some people might take Diamox pills, which are often used as high altitude pills, and should consult the doctors before taking the right dose, which helps to regulate the flow of blood systems from getting clots in high altitude. Where drinking plenty of fluids, water-juice and rehydration drinks including black warm tea also helps as taking much rest after getting tired.

                                          • Nepal Himalaya is for all seasons for soft trekking and sightseeing tours, Nepal has 4 main seasons'   spring, summer (Monsoon), autumn (fall) & winter. For Dolpo trekking best from April to November includes the monsoon months of July and August, as the Dolpo region falls within rain-shadow blocked by a high Himalayan mountain range.

                                          Client Reviews
                                          • rating star

                                            Dolpo and Limi valley with trekking planner.

                                            In September and October 2019 I trekked in Dolpo and Limi Valley with trekking planner. All together, it was my 4th trip with trekking planner. The year before I trekked from Kanchenjungabc to Makalu bc and trekked from Manasalu to Nar Phu. The owner of the company Dipak patiently worked with me before my arrival in Nepal, patiently helping me choose my ideal trek. Dipak was able to very quickly arrange all the flights, permits and logistics necessary for trekking in extremely remote areas of Nepal. One of the best things about trekking planner is the quality of the staff he hires. All 4 of my treks with trekking planner were led by Dhirendra Kharki, who I highly recommend. He is a wonderful guide especially if you want to by visit some of the more remote areas of Nepal. Altogether I have spent almost 90 days in the mountains with Dhirendra, so I know him very well. I have met many of Dipak's other guides and assistants in Kathmandu, and they are also very good people, I felt very at home in Nepal.

                                            CliffUnited States,Feb 01, 2020
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