Nar Phu Valley Trekking-21 Days

"Adventure on Hidden areas of northern Annapurna Himalaya Above and Beyond Manang valley"
Good to Know
  • Duration 21 Days
  • Difficulty Level Moderate
  • Max. Altitude 5416m/17769ft
  • Group Size 2+
  • Trip Starts Kathmandu
  • Trip Ends Kathmandu
  • Group Style Private
  • Activities Trekking, Historical and Cultural Excursion
  • Best Season April-June and Sept-November


  • Adventure in hidden areas north of massive Annapurna and South of Damodar Himal. 
  • Amazing experience on daily walks with the magnificent panorama of mountains with scenic terrain.
  • Starting from low warm paddy fields to the alpine zone and arctic fields of ice and glaciers.
  • Beautiful woodland of tall rhododendron and fir trees to an arid country with alpine bushes.
  • Into the wild north at Nar & Phu the hidden Shangri-la away from mainstream trekking trails.
  • Picturesque scenery of upper Manang with Nar-Phu villages and crossing scenic Kang-La pass.

An Advantage of Booking a Trip with Nepal Trekking Planner.

  • Private vehicles pick up and drop off passengers at all airports.
  • First-aid kit box.
  • Trekking Planner’s down jackets, t-shirt, and cap, if necessary.
  • Arrangement of emergency evacuation service (you should have insurance for emergency evacuation, which will be paid for by your travel insurance company).
  • We use an oximeter to check your pulse, oxygen saturation, and heart rate, and we provide oxygen.
  • Sim cards are provided by our company for travelers, so there won’t be any networking issues.

Trip Introduction: Nar Phu Valley Trekking 2024/2025

Nar Phu Valley Trekking explores the wilderness of ancient valleys of the Trans-Himalayan region of Nepal besides crossing over a couple of challenging passes of Kang La Pass and Thorang La Pass. Traversing in the restricted trekking region, also known as The Last Forbidden Kingdom of Nepal, we shall experience the aura of ancient Tibetan culture and tradition, raw Himalayan lifestyle, culture and tradition, ancient Buddhist monasteries, and incredibly beautiful scenic Himalayas; you shall feel as if time has come to standstill at this magical place.

Be a part of Nar Phu Valley Trekking and saunter along the diverse landscapes, unique rock formations, narrow canyons and gorges, serene forest and high altitude villages, besides the biodiversity (the areas of Nar Phu is known to have one of the highest concentration of snow leopards per square kilometer in the world) and warm hospitality of the locals. You will leave this valley with a heavy heart for sure.

Nar Phu Valley Trek begins with the hill town of Besi Sahar from where the trek will be a gradual ascent along the torrential Marshyangdi River up into the arid landscape of Manang. Everything in this trek shall make it a special adventure in the seldom-traveled destination. Along the mighty river, we gradually enter into Mustang after Koto after exploring some of the unique villages of Sattale, Chamje, Karte, Dharapani, and Timang. With the famous Chame village to the side, we head northwards along the Nar River and through a couple of bridges, caves, waterfalls, beautiful scenery, and Chortens before reaching the settlement of Meta.

The pine forest gives way to the high plateau, remote villages built of stone and mud, and ancient monasteries as well as breathtaking views of the Annapurna range as we reach here. From here the trail branches off for Nar and Phu valleys. Exploration of uniquely formed hills, ancient caves supposedly used by the locals for several purposes including as shelter during wars, prehistoric villages with mud houses, traditional and ornate monasteries with rich ancient heritages of Phu and Nar valleys we exit the village regretfully after crossing the Kang La Pass (5,315m) ahead of Nar valley to join the main Annapurna Circuit Trail at Braga village.

We then continue on to Manang village and gradually up to the challenging Thorang La Pass (5,416m). Descending to the sacred premise of Muktinath Temple, revered by Hindus and Buddhists alike, we then trek to Kagbeni (the gateway to Upper Mustang) and to the airport at Jomsom via the windy valley. Fly back to Kathmandu via scenic Pokhara to mark an end to the adventure of Nar Phu Valley Trekking. Rugged trails which sometimes are cut high into the slopes of the hill, marvelous views of Annapurna massif, Lamjung Peak, Fishtail Mountain, and Manaslu Peak from Kang La Pass, exotic villages of Nar and Phu valleys, attractive and diverse terrain form star attraction of this trek.

Nar Phu Valley Trekking makes you time-travel to the medieval ages as you explore the secluded settlements of the region. Situated in the rain shadow area of Annapurna massif, the best time to explore this region is April to November. Have above-average physical fitness and passion to explore the unexplored terrain to make the best of this trek. Join us for quality professional service, the optimum value for your money, and the memory of your lifetime.

Why to trek towards Nar Phu Valley what is special there?

Nar Phu Valley is a remote trekking location in Annapurna Region of Nepal. It is a hidden gem that provides a unique combination of cultural immersion and magnificent natural beauty. The valley preserves its traditional Tibetan Culture, which is distinct from the rest of Nepal.

  • Unique Cultural Experience: The valley is home to traditional Tibetan villages that have preserved their ancient way of life and customs. Because the valley has stayed isolated from the rest of Nepal, its culture and customs have been preserved.
  • Remote and less crowded:  is more remote and less busy than other famous Annapurna Trekking Routes, such as the Annapurna Circuit or Sanctuary trip. As a result, it is a perfect place for people seeking quiet and peace.
  • Stunning natural beauty: Nar Phu is surrounded by snow-capped peaks Annapurna II (7,937m), Gangapurna (7,455m),Tilicho Peak (7,134m), Pisang Peak (6,091m), Chulu East (6,584m) and Chulu West (6,419m), glaciers such as Himlung Himal Glacier, Gangapurna Glacier, Tilicho Glacier, Pisang Glacier and prsitine forests, providing stunning vistas and an opportunity to see the splendor of the Himalayas up close.
  • Adventure and challenge: Nar Phu is an adventurous and hard journey that entails crossing high mountains and traveling in isolated locations. It needs a decent degree of fitness and high altitude trekking expertise, making it a great excursion for experienced trekkers looking for a challenge.

Overall, Trekking in Nar Phu Valley is a unique and gratifying experience that combines culture, adventure, and natural beauty, making it a fantastic choice for anyone looking for an off-the-beaten-path trekking trip in Nepal.

Is Nar Phu Valley Trekking right for you?

The Nar Phu Valley journey is comparatively challenging but exciting journey that takes you through the remote Nar and Phu valleys in Annapurna Region of Nepal. The journey is famous for its magnificant scenery, old monasteries, and distinct culture. The journey necessitates a high degree of physical endurance due to the lengthy hours of walking and steep ascents and descents. Trekking Planner Nepal shares some pros and cons that might be helpful for you to know if the trekking is suitable for you.


  •  The Nar Phu Valley Trekking is a unique experience that takes you through isolated regions with breathtaking landscape and a distinct culture.
  •  You'll have the opportunity to explore ancient monasteries, engage with local people, and learn about their culture.
  •  The trek is challenging and physically laborious, but it can be a rewarding experience for people who appreciate trekking and pushing themselves to their boundaries.
  •  The 21 Days journey enables you to totally immerse yourself in the experience and take in all of the sights and noises of the region.
  •  The trek offers a less crowded and more remote experience.


  •  The Nar Phu Valley Trekking is a tough journey that demands a high degree of physical fitness, so it may not be suitable for everyone.
  •  As, you will  be trekking to high elevations, altitude sickness is a danger on this journey, so take measures and acclimate correctly.
  •  Since the trek is remote, you must be prepared to be away from the community for kept amounts of time and be self-sufficient.
  •  The weather can be unpredictable, and your trip can be hampered by landslides and other natural dangers, so you need to be prepared for these occurrences.

How to prepare for Nar Phu Valley Trekking?

It is important to prepare for the Nar Phu Valley Trekking in order to have a secure and pleasant trekking experience. Here are some evaluates you can take to prepare for this journey:

  • Increase your fitness level: The Nar Phu Valley Trekking is a physically demanding trip that includes lengthy hours of trekking as well as steep ascents and descents. As a result, it is essential to be in excellent shape before going on this adventure. Trekking Planner Nepal always suggest you to at least three months before the journey by engaging in routine cardiovascular and weight training to increase your stamina and endurance.
  • Acclimate to the altitude: Altitude Sickness is real risk and problem you may face during the high altitude. We always suggest you to spend a few days acclimating in a before beginning the journey. Short walks at higher altitudes can also help your body adapt to the altitude. Besides, we also make flexible itinerary that assist you with enough days for acclimatize.
  • Investigation about the culture: Because the Nar Phu Valley has its own culture, it's a good idea to study about it before you go. Reading about the region's past and customs can improve your experience and help you engage with natives more respectfully.
  • Purchase travel insurance: Purchase travel insurance that includes trekking in isolated regions, as well as medical evacuation in the event of an accident.

By taking these precautions, you can ensure that you are both physically and psychologically prepared for the Nar Phu Valley climbing and that you have a secure and pleasant climbing experience.

What is the best season or month for Nar Phu Valley Trekking?

The best time and season for trekking to Nar Phu Valley are during September to November and March to May. These seasons have the most steady weather conditions, with clear clouds, mild temperature, and less possibility of rain or snow.

The weather is usually dry during the autumn months, and visibility is good, offering stunning vistas of the Himalayan ranges. The temperatures are also moderate during daytime, making trekking enjoyable.

Similarly, the weather is clear during the spring months, and the flowers and trees begin to blossom, making the hiking path more bright and colorful. Daytime temperatures are also mild, making it a perfect time for hiking.

The monsoon season, which lasts from June to August, and the winter months, which last from December to February, are not optimal for hiking in the Nar Phu Valley. During the monsoon season, torrential rains and landslides make the hiking paths muddy and risky. The hiking path can become inaccessible during the winter months due to freezing temperatures and snow.

To ensure a secure and pleasant hiking experience in the Nar Phu Valley, planning your trip during the finest season is critical.

Climate and Weather around the trekking trail of Nar Phu 

Nar Phu Valley's climate and weather differ greatly based on the season and elevation.

  • Autumn (September to November): The weather in the Nar Phu Valley is usually steady and dry during the autumn season. During the day, temps range from 10°C to 20°C (50°F to 68°F) at lower altitudes and plummet to freezing at higher elevations. The clouds are typically clear, allowing for good sight and breathtaking vistas of the Himalayan ranges.
  • Winter (December to February): The Nar Phu Valley experiences cold and dry weather, with temps falling below freezing at night and early in the morning. The days are usually sunny and clear, but snow at higher altitudes can make trails impassable.
  • Spring (March to May): With mild temps during the day and clear clouds, spring is another popular season to hike in the Nar Phu Valley. Temperatures at lower altitudes vary from 10°C to 20°C (50°F to 68°F) and drop to freezing at higher elevations. The blossoming flowers and bushes add color and vibrancy to the trekking route.
  • Monsoon season (June to August): The monsoon season brings heavy rain and floods to the Nar Phu Valley, making hiking paths muddy and hazardous. Lower elevation temps vary from 15°C to 25°C (59°F to 77°F) and rise to around 10°C (50°F) at higher altitudes.

It is important to carry suitable clothing and equipment to deal with variations in weather and temperature during the journey. It's also a good idea to check the weather prediction before setting out on the journey, and to be mindful of possible natural dangers like landslides and sudden floods during the rainy season.

Local Culture and Tradition seen at the trail of Nar Phu valley

The inhabitants of Nar Phu Valley come from a variety of ethnic groups, including Gurungs, Tibetans, and Manangis. These groups have unique customs, practices, and beliefs that have been passed down through the generations. Here are some characteristics of the inhabitants of Nar Phu Valley:

The locals communicate a number of dialects, including Gurung, Tibetan, and Nepali. Gurung is the main tongue spoken in the lower elevations of valley, while Tibetan is spoken in the higher elevations in valley.

The people of Nar Phu Valley lead a simple existence based on cultivation, livestock husbandry, and trade. Many people are employed as farmers, cultivating products such as barley, wheat, and potatoes. Others work in the livestock farming industry, raising yaks, sheep, and goats. Some also work as merchants, marketing handcrafted items, woolen goods, and herbal remedies.

Tibetan Buddhism is practiced by the majority of people in the Nar Phu Valley, and there are numerous Buddhist temples and monuments throughout the valley. The locals have strong religious views and practices, and many Buddhist events are held throughout the year.

Overall, the people of Nar Phu Valley are a proud and strong community that has for centuries maintained its distinct culture and customs. As a visitor, you must honor their culture and customs and interact with them respectfully in order to learn more about their way of life.

Is Travel Insurance required for trekking towards Nar Phu

Any trekking or vacation adventure, including the Nar Phu Valley Trekking, requires travel insurance. Here are some of the main reasons why you should get travel insurance for your trip:

  • Medical Emergencies: Trekking in the Nar Phu Valley requires a lot of muscular effort, and mishaps or illnesses can happen at any time. Emergency medical care, hospitalization, and transportation can all be covered by travel insurance.
  • Trip Cancellation or Interruption: Unforeseen situations, such as extreme weather, political unrest, or personal crises, may force you to postpone or cut short your journey. Travel insurance can cover journey cancellations or interruptions, allowing you to recoup any saved costs.
  • Personal responsibility: If you accidentally do property harm or hurt someone, travel insurance can cover any legal responsibility and recompense.
  • Lost or Stolen Property: Trekking entails transporting costly tools as well as personal possessions. Travel insurance can cover the loss, robbery, or destruction of your personal possessions, such as cameras, phones, and trekking equipment.

When choosing a travel insurance policy, study the terms and conditions thoroughly and ensure that the policy covers the activities you intend to do during your journey. It's also essential to disclose any pre-existing medical conditions and make sure they're protected by the insurance.

Washing, Toilet and Accommodation facilities at the trekking trail of Nar Phu

  • Washing and Toilets: Teahouses provide basic services such as common toilets and laundry facilities during the 21-day Nar Phu Valley Trekking. The quantity and level of these amenities may differ from one teahouse to the next.
    Squat bathrooms, which are common in Nepal, are to be expected, and toilet paper may not be supplied. As a result, bringing your own toilet paper or damp wipes is always better idea. There may also be a common washing space with a bucket and jug for rinsing in the teahouses. Hot water may be provided for an extra fee.
  • Accommodation: During the trek, you will remain in teahouses, which are simple lodges operated by local families. Basic comforts such as a bed, blankets, and cushions are provided in the teahouses. To keep toasty at night, bring a sleeping bag liner or a heated sleeping bag with you. Trekking Planner Nepal facilitates you with pre booking of the accommodation as lodges may be get full during the peak season.

The teahouses also have a communal dining area where you can eat and socialize with other trekkers. Meals are typically basic and comprise of rice, dal (lentil soup), veggies, or beef. Snacks and beverages such as tea, coffee, and soft drinks are also available.

It is very essential to observe that the teahouses in Nar Phu Valley are basic. However, living in teahouses is an important part of the trekking experience because it allows you to immerse yourself in local culture and interact with other hikers.

Overall, a flexible mindset and a desire to adjust to fundamental living circumstances are required during the trek. This will ensure that your trekking experience is pleasant and comfy.

Important Note:

  • This trip departs every day of the year.
  • This trip is fully customizable. We can customize the trip as per your need, please contact us.
  • This trip is available on both a Fixed Departure and a Private Group Basis.
  • This trip can be booked privately if you’re traveling solo or privately or with family.
  • Have a big group? We can help as per your needs.
  • We can help you make it fit your budget. 
  • we accept the instant booking and online payment.

Outline Itinerary for Nar Phu Valley Trekking-21 Days

Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu (1,350m/4,429ft)

Day 2: Full day in Kathmandu/trek preparation day

Day 3: Drive to Syange 1,460 m on Nepal Western highway - 07 hrs.

Day 4: Trek to Dharapani (1930m) 5-6 hrs walk

Day 5: Trek to Koto (2600 m) 4-5 hrs walk

Day 6: Trek to Dharamshala (3230m) 5-6 hrs walk

Day 7: Trek to Kyang (3820m) 5-6 hrs walk

Day 8: Trek to Phu (3990m) 4-5 hrs walk

Day 9: Full day in Phu

Day 10: Trek to Junam Goth (3600m) 4-5 hrs walk

Day 11: Trek to Nar Village (4190m) 4-5 hrs walk

Day 12: Trek to Kangla Phedi (4530m) 3-4 hrs walk

Day 13: Trek to Ngwal (3660m) 6-7 hrs walk

Day 14: Trek to Manang (3540m) 3-4 hrs walk

Day 15: Trek to Churilattar (4180m) 4-5 hrs walk

Day 16: Trek to Churi Lattar to Thorang Phedi(4447m) 3-4 hrs or Thorang High Camp (4910m) 4-5 hrs walk

Day 17: Trek to Muktinath (3700m) via Throng-La (5416m) 6-7 hrs walk

Day 18: Trek to Jomsom (2720m) via Jharkot (3550 m) 5-6 hrs walking

Day 19: Fly to Pokhara (820m) 25min

Day 20: drive to Kathmandu (1350m) about 7 hrs

Day 21: Final departure

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the Nar Phu Valley Trekking itinerary listed above is the standard itinerary. The schedule can be adjusted to include shorter or longer walks each day based on your physical fitness, and some designated overnight stops may change due to room availability and other factors.

We will stick to the itinerary, but if it needs to be changed due to inclement weather, landslides, or participant difficulties necessitating additional days, our leader and head guides will make the best decision for the safety of the participants, with full authority from Trekking Planner Nepal.

  • Accommodation3 Star Hotel
  • MealsWelcome Dinner
  • Max. Altitude/Time1,350m/4,429ft

Upon arrival at the international airport in Nepal, you will pick up and transfer to the hotel. After refreshment in the hotel, you will pick up from your hotel for short guided sightseeing tours to Kathmandu Durbar Square. Later in the evening, you will have a short brief about your tours of cultural dinner. Stay overnight at the hotel in Kathmandu.

  • Accommodation3 Star Hotel
  • MealsBreakfast
  • Max. Altitude/Time1,350m/4,429ft

Today after breakfast you will be ready for day-guided sightseeing tours to Swayambhunath stupa known as monkey temple; a combination between Hinduism and Buddhism from where you can see a good view of Kathmandu valley. Drive to Patan Durbar square (city of living arts), Pashupatinath, one of the famous Hindu temple which is located nearby the holy river Bagmati and then drives to the Buddhanath stupa one of the biggest and oldest stupas in the world. Later in the afternoon, a pre-trip meeting with your trekking guide in a hotel will be held. Our office representative will brief you regarding our trek and provide you an opportunity to ask any question about an upcoming trip with the guide. And stay overnight in Kathmandu.

  • AccommodationLodge/Guest House
  • MealsBreakfast + Lunch + Dinner
  • Max. Altitude/Time1,460 m

Morning an exciting and scenic long driving journey on Nepal mid west highway, journey leads to Besisar town then on the dirt road to Khudi, Bulbule, and Ngadi following the Marysangdi River upstream, drive continues through rice terraces fields and villages to Syange for an overnight stop.

  • AccommodationLodge/Guest House
  • MealsBreakfast + Lunch + Dinner
  • Max. Altitude/Time1930m

From Chamje the trail follows the Marsyangdi River steadily uphill to Tal (1675m), a small village at the foot of a large waterfall. Now the trek enters the Manang district. The trail crosses a wide, flat valley before climbing a stone stairway to 1860m. The trail continues with several ups and downs before halting at Dharapani overnight. Stay overnight in Dharapani.

  • AccommodationLodge/Guest House
  • MealsBreakfast + Lunch + Dinner
  • Max. Altitude/Time2600 m

So, today after breakfast you will start the day with a few slow uphills up to Timang at 2360m (the area dominated by the Tamang tribe of people) from where you will be able to see such a nice view of the Manasalu Mountain range and then continues through pine forest up to Koto 2600m. There are fine views of Annapurna II and Lamgung Himal from Koto. Evening time explores the market and visits Chame and the small natural hot springs where you can take a bath. Stay overnight in Koto.

  • AccommodationLodge/Guest House
  • MealsBreakfast + Lunch + Dinner
  • Max. Altitude/Time3230m

After crossing the Marsyangdi River over the suspension bridge the trail leads along the Nar Phu Khola to the north of the valley. The trail to the first Bridge is very gradual up and down through the pine forest with a nice view of the mountain. After crossing the first bridge the trail ascends for a while and then descends again to the lunch camp. After lunch, the trail ascends for about 1 hrs then gradually up and down to the hot spring from where the trail ascends to the Dharamshala. We have such a nice big waterfall near Dharamshala and a snowcapped mountain. Stay overnight in Dharmashala.

  • AccommodationLodge/Guest House
  • MealsBreakfast + Lunch + Dinner
  • Max. Altitude/Time3820m

After a 20 min walk from Dharamshala the trail ascends all the way to Meta (3540m), Meta is a temporary settlement of the people from Nar's village. From here you will be able to see such a nice view of the Pisang Pike, Lamjung Himal, and Kangguru Himal. From Meta gradual trail, passing through several winter settlements to Junam Khola, here we have the lunch stop. After lunch, the trail ascends to the Chuako then down and up to the Kyang. Kyang is a temporary settlement of the people from Phu's village from where you have such a nice view of the Manaslu Himal, Lamjung Himal, Pisang Peak, Annapurna II, and many more mountains. Stay overnight in Kyang.

  • AccommodationLodge/Guest House
  • MealsBreakfast + Lunch + Dinner
  • Max. Altitude/Time3990m

Today we had the rocky trail for about 2 hrs where rock kept flowing down from the hill, we have to walk very carefully then along the Phu Khola to the Phu valley entrance gate with a nice view of the Mountain. This is a wide and dry valley famous for Snow Leopard, you may see a footprint of it, and we have the chance to see wild sheep (Blue Sheep) also. Near the Gate, we have a steep climb then a gradual walk passes through the Chorten to Phu. We will be in Phu at lunchtime, and after lunch, we can explore the village. Stay overnight in Phu.

  • AccommodationLodge/Guest House
  • MealsBreakfast + Lunch + Dinner
  • Max. Altitude/Time3990m

Today after breakfast you have a sight trip to the famous Tashi Lhakhang Gompa on a neighboring hillside to pay our respect to Lama Karma Sonam. From this hill, you have a fantastic view of the valley surrounded by the snowcapped Mountain. Back to camp for lunch, after refreshments, we have a short excursion around Phu Village. We can interact with locals and explore the wide valley. You will see locals spinning their yak and sheep wool. People from this village look like Tibetan, they can understand each other but they have a relationship with the Manangi people, who are Buddhist. Stay overnight in Phu.

  • AccommodationLodge/Guest House
  • MealsBreakfast + Lunch + Dinner
  • Max. Altitude/Time3600m

After a wonderful time in Phu valley, today we retrace back to Junam Goath. The trail gets back through Phu gate, descend to the River, and retraces your step back to Junam via Kyang. Junam is a lovely camping spot from where you have such a nice view of the mountain and colorful landscape. Here in Junam you will be able to the temporary hose for winter. Stay overnight in Junam Goth.

  • AccommodationLodge/Guest House
  • MealsBreakfast + Lunch + Dinner
  • Max. Altitude/Time4190m

After a 45min walk with a few up and down from Junam, the trail descends all the way to Phu Khola. After crossing the river over a suspension bridge the trail ascends all the way to Nar gate passing through big Chorten and Mani stone. The scenery is stunning. The trail from Nar gate is a very gradual and scenic valley to Nar village. Naris is the biggest village in the Nar Phu valley. The people around this area depend on agriculture and tourism. Most of them have a yak, sheep, and goat farms. Their life is very busy doing this kind of work. Hardly they can grow potatoes, seasonal vegetables, and wheat which is not enough for them. Later on this afternoon, you can have a short exploration of the town and learn about their daily lifestyle. Stay overnight in Nar Village.

  • AccommodationLodge/Guest House
  • MealsBreakfast + Lunch + Dinner
  • Max. Altitude/Time4530m

Today is an easy day for you. The trail leads through the valley; passing a few Chorten on the way and Yak Khara. It is a very gradual trail all the way to Kangla Phedi. You will have such a lovely view down through the valley. You feel like I am in the haven. After lunch, you can walk a bit higher for altitude. Stay overnight in Kangla Phedi.

  • AccommodationLodge/Guest House
  • MealsBreakfast + Lunch + Dinner
  • Max. Altitude/TimeTrek to 3660m

This is a long and hard day of this trek. After an early morning breakfast, we start to climb all the way to Kangla Pass. We have a few steep climbs and gradual also passing through the glacier lake. The view is lovely. You feel like I am on top of the world. From Kangla pass you have such a nice view of the Annapurna II, IV, and III, Gangapurna, Tilicho Peak, Lamjung Himal, Chulu Peak, and many more mountains. These are not big passes but still hard. From the top, the trail descends all the way to Ngwal through the yak Khara with a nice view of the mountain. Ngawal is a wonderful, old village of cobbled streets, prayer wheels, and beautiful architecture, obviously a hub of religious activity in previous times. Stay overnight in Nawal.

  • AccommodationLodge/Guest House
  • MealsBreakfast + Lunch + Dinner
  • Max. Altitude/Time3540m

Trek from Ngwal to Manang takes about three hours. This day you walk through the leveled path along the bank of the Marshyangdi River to reach Manang. On the way, you pass pine forests, villages such as Braga, and farming terraces. You can enjoy the views of the Annapurna range, Tilicho Mountain, and beautiful landscapes. Manang is a small town. You have a free afternoon for exploring the town after lunch. Stay overnight in Manang.

  • AccommodationLodge/Guest House
  • MealsBreakfast + Lunch + Dinner
  • Max. Altitude/Time4180m

After a wonderful time in Manang Village, the trek starts an ascent of almost 2000m Through La. from  Manang the trail crosses a stream and mane stone before the Tenki Manang. The trek continues through the small village of Gunsang where you can take a short break for tea/coffee. Today you will stop at Yak Kharka, also known as Kochi, from where it will take another 01 hrs to Churilattar. Stay overnight in Churilattar.

  • AccommodationLodge/Guest House
  • MealsBreakfast + Lunch + Dinner
  • Max. Altitude/Time4910m

After breakfast in a teahouse, the trek starts with a few slowly up and downs until crosses the stream on a wooden bridge at 4310 meters. After making a short ascent on a good trail to a teashop, the route then follows a narrow path across a high, unstable slope before heading to Thorong Phedi (foot of the hill). If you feel fine today you can make it all the way to Thorang High Camp, if you do it today it will be easier for tomorrow. Stay overnight at the tea house.

  • AccommodationLodge/Guest House
  • MealsBreakfast + Lunch + Dinner
  • Max. Altitude/Time3700m

Today in the early morning you will start to walk with torchlight, slowly ascend, a nice view of Annapurna Mountain and Chulu west, and finally reach the pass. The Throng-La pass with traditional Chorten, prayer flags is at an elevation of 5416m which is the highest point of your trip from where you will have outstanding high Himalayan scenery. The trail descends all the way to Muktinath. Muktinath is beautiful, calm, and quiet, great and mysterious for pilgrims, and decorated with gods and goddesses. Stay overnight in Muktinath.

  • AccommodationLodge/Guest House
  • MealsBreakfast + Lunch + Dinner
  • Max. Altitude/Time2720m

It is an easy walk to Jomsom, although it becomes tedious if there is a strong wind. The trail descends very fast to the Eklai Bhatti then along the Kali Gandaki to the Jomsom. Jomsom is the administrative headquarters of the Mustang district. After the afternoon you will have a chance to visit Mustang Eco-Museum. Stay overnight Jomsom.

  • Accommodation3 star hotel
  • MealsBreakfast
  • Max. Altitude/Time820m

Today an early morning breakfast guide will take you to the airport for a short but scenic flight to the lakeside city of Pokhara also the second biggest city after Kathmandu for tourism. After refreshments, you will have guided sightseeing tours in the valley. Stay overnight at the hotel.

  • Accommodation3 star hotel
  • MealsBreakfast and farewell dinner
  • Max. Altitude/Time1350m

After a wonderful time in and around Pokhara, today after breakfast you will transfer to the tourist bus station for a day countryside drive back to Kathmandu. Stay overnight at the hotel

Note:  You can fly to Pokhara which takes 35 min

  • MealsBreakfast

Today timely pick you up from your hotel and transfer you to the International airport for your next gestation or join another activity with us.

Not satisfied with this regular itinerary? Make your own.

Trip Map
Nar Phu Valley Trekking-21 Days Map
What's Included
  • All airports pick up drop by private vehicle.
  • Welcome and farewell dinner in Authentic Restaurant.
  • 03 night Twin/Double shearing deluxe accommodation on BB in Kathmandu.
  • 01 night Twin/Double shearing deluxe accommodation on BB in Pokhara.
  • Guided sightseeing tours in Kathmandu and in Pokhara with all necessary entrance fees and privet vehicles.
  • Kathmandu to Khudi (if you want a private vehicle from Kathmandu also available at additional cost) and Pokhara to Kathmandu by bus  (if you want a flight or private vehicle from Pokhara also available at additional cost).
  • Annapurna Conservation Area Permit and Trekkers’ Information Management System( TIMS card) and special permit for Nar Phu valley.
  • English speaking, the license holder and an expert trekking guide: insured, salary, food, and accommodation all paid.
  • 2 Guest= 1 porter with their Insurance, Salary, Food, accommodation, and equipment.
  • Accommodation in the mountain during the trekking.
  • Three meals a day breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner and tea/coffee during the trekking.
  • Safe drinking water.
  • Jomsom to Pokhara by flight with airport departure tax.
  • First aid kid box.
  • Trekking Planner Nepal’s a sleeping bag, down jackets, Ti-shart, Cap, duffle bags, city and trekking route maps – if necessary.
  • Arrangement of emergency evacuation service (should have insurance for emergency evacuation and will be paid by your travel insurance company)
  • Oxymeter to check your pulse and oxygen saturation and heart rate twice daily during the trekking (Very useful to check Altitude Mountain Sickness(AMS) symptoms) Which will ensure your trek is in the safest hands possible.
  • All applicable government and local taxes per the itinerary.
What's Excluded
  • Your Nepal Visa fees.
  • All the International air fare from and to Kathmandu.
  • Lunch and Dinner in Kathmandu and Pokhara.
  • Personal travel and health Insurance, Insurance for helicopter evacuation.
  • In case of extra night accommodation, lunch and dinner in the city due to early arrival and late departure as well as early back/return from mountain/trekking (due to any reason) than the given time period of the itinerary.
  • Your Personal expenses such as ( laundry, baggage charge, phone calls, battery recharge, bar and beverage bill, boiled or bottle water, hot and cold shower, extra porter.. etc).
  • The Tips to the trekking crews and drive.
  • Extra expenses due to flight delays, strikes, weather conditions, or any event out of our control.
Departure Dates

If the given date is not appropriate for you, Please CONTACT US (Call/email now for a private trip, [email protected], Mobile +977 98510 71767 (24 hrs) - WhatsApp and Viber)so that Trekking Planner can happily manage your trip on dates favorable for you.

Trekking Planner also organizes various trips in small groups that can suit you. We recommend you reserve a seat for yourself by booking with us right away for a wonderful experience with us. Hurry up! Adventure is waiting for you.

Essential Info

Equipment and Gear List

trekking iconGeneral

  • Four-season (-20 degree) sleeping bag (We provide rental sleeping bags available for an additional USD 35)
  • Puffy down jacket (We provide rental jackets for an additional USD 35)
  • Daypack (25-30 liters recommended) with rain cover

HeadUpper Body

  • Sun hat or cap (We'll provide you with a trekking cap.)
  • warm woolen hat
  • Scarf/Neck Buff (highly recommended to get saved from wind and cold)
  • Headlamp or mobile torch light for nighttime
  • Polarized sunglasses


  • Technical fabric base layer thermals are light for warmer months, heavy for colder months
  • Technical fabric t-shirts and sleeve sweaters or high-necks
  • Waterproof rain jacket
  • windproof jacket for the walk as it gets windy
  • Fleece jacket or down jacket

PantLower Body

  • thermals inner
  • Hiking pants at least 3
  • Comfortable pants for teahouses
  • Waterproof, windproof shell
  • Hiking shorts


  • Woolen gloves for the tea house
  • Hard-shell windproof outer gloves for the walk


  • Marino Wool or comfortable, warm socks
  • Hiking socks
  • Liner socks
  • Trekking/hiking boots (waterproof recommended)
  • Crampons (For passes)
  • Casual shoes or sandals that are comfortable for the time in the tea house
  • Gaiters (lightweight for rain and snow)

UndergarmentsUndergarments and inner wears

  • Technical fabric/quick drying (can be washed during the trek)
  • Sports bras (women)
  • sleeping clothes as per the comfortability

MedicineFirst Aid Kits and Medications

  • Sunscreen SPF- 50+
  • Lip balm or Vaseline
  • ointment cream
  • Cough Syrup and strepsils (recommended for Khumbu Cough)
  • Creams and medicines (for any allergies or diseases)

(Note: Our guides carry medications, oxygen cans, and first aid kits during the trip. However, personal kits and medications are recommended.)

Other essentialsOther Essentials

  • Passport
  • Extra copies of passport-sized photos
  • Reusable water bottle
  • Toilet paper, small soap, and shampoo
  • Water purification tablets or UV water purifier (if you plan to treat water)
  • water bladder for the day bag
  • small towel for personal use
  • Pillowcase in case of allergies to new pillows
  • High-protein snacks (such as mountain bars or nuts)
  • Waterproof/dry bags for carrying essential documents, stuff, frequently used items, and money
  • Power bank or extra batteries
  • Cameras and mobile phone
  • Cards/book
  • Pee bottle/ pee funnel for women
  • Trekking poles
  • Whistle in case your voice is not loud enough to stop or start
  • Thermos for hot water during the nighttime
  • We give you a free duffel bag, trekking cap, maps, and t-shirt during your pre-trip meeting in Kathmandu. The duffel bag will be used to pack your trekking supplies.
  • For every two participants, we assign one porter. The porter will carry the duffel bag, which should weigh around 10 kg/22 lbs., throughout the walk.
  • Daypack bag for daily used stuff like cash, documents, papers, a water bottle or bladder, a camera, toiletries, sunscreen, a notebook, clothing, etc. (with a waterproof cover).
  • You can store your luggage (on-trekking items) at the hotel in Kathmandu, and we can assist and help.
  • Total luggage for the Kathmandu-Lukla flight is (15 kg/33 lbs.), including duffel (10 Kg/22 lbs.) and backpack (5 kg/11 lbs.)
  • A down jacket with a hood(cap) to be warm in altitudes above 3,000m.
  • We can provide a down jacket for USD 35. In case of loss or damage, you need to pay back the cost of USD 200 per item.
  • We can provide a sleeping bag for USD 35. In case of loss or damage, USD 200 per item must be paid.

Note: Supplies and gear can be rented or purchased in Kathmandu. Once you are in Nepal, you can buy supplies and gear for hiking if you have spare time. Trekking Planner Nepal representatives will assist you in purchasing the equipment. Thamel a tourist hub, offers a wide range of trekking equipment at affordable prices. Don't wear short clothes inside the monasteries and religious places.

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